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Multiframe Incremental IR map with QMC Secondary Bounces

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  • Multiframe Incremental IR map with QMC Secondary Bounces

    If you want to use QMC secondary bounces with a pre-calculated multiframe IR map for an animation, Do you set the secondary bounces before you pre-calculate the IR map or after? In other words: Do the QMC calculated secondary bounces get mixed into the multiframe incremental IR map? Or not?

    Thank you for the help

  • #2
    It gets mixed in so you need it on before.


    • #3
      Try this mate:

      In three posts you asked stuff which is either in the manual, or that you could test with a sphere-plane setup in two to five minutes, as it's the core of VRay from pretty much version 1.09.
      Not like we don't like answering, but it will take you less, and you'll understand more, by doing simple tests.



      • #4
        Da Force –
        Thank you so much!

        Studio Dim-
        Thank you for your response as well. I read those pages before I asked the question. I could not find the info Da Force gave me. Can you be more specific?

        I don’t mean to give you grief - I know your trying to help and I totally appreciate it, but I certainly would never use a forum for asking questions about a new product which I wanted to help promote the growth of to tell someone to “go figure it out themselves”. I prefer reading a manual to asking questions in an open forum. However if a forum is provided, I prefer asking questions to doing time consuming tests. If I know an answer to someone’s question I’m more then happy to let them benefit from my experience. I thought this is what the forum was for, but maybe I have misunderstood its purpose?

        Not to pile on but the whole time I have been reading and writing these posts, I have been doing tests with VRay. I’m testing other things that I have not asked about, and hopefully won’t have to.


        • #5
          Hey Mate,

          To clarify what i said, if you use IR as the primary bounce, and either LC or QMC as secondary, then the secondary bounce information is saved in the IRmap.

          For instance you can calc a 100frame animation with IR and QMC/LC and save the irmap for the whole animation or every Nth frame. And then reuse the irmap to render out the animation while having secondary bounces set to none. As all the information is stored in the IRmap.
          There are some certain circumstances where this doesnt work so well or at all. But for the most part it works well.

          Hope that helps


          • #6
            Originally posted by skogzort
            Da Force –
            Thank you so much!

            Studio Dim-
            Thank you for your response as well. I read those pages before I asked the question. I could not find the info Da Force gave me. Can you be more specific?

            I don’t mean to give you grief - I know your trying to help and I totally appreciate it, but I certainly would never use a forum for asking questions about a new product which I wanted to help promote the growth of to tell someone to “go figure it out themselves”. I prefer reading a manual to asking questions in an open forum. However if a forum is provided, I prefer asking questions to doing time consuming tests. If I know an answer to someone’s question I’m more then happy to let them benefit from my experience. I thought this is what the forum was for, but maybe I have misunderstood its purpose?

            Not to pile on but the whole time I have been reading and writing these posts, I have been doing tests with VRay. I’m testing other things that I have not asked about, and hopefully won’t have to.
            No grief taken, none meant to be given either
            You may have noticed, however, that on top of the forum there is an electronic manual, updated by Chaos itself, with both theory and tutorials which DO cover the issues you ask about.
            Since time for most of us is at a premium (and we do not work for chaos), asking things beyond the ABC leads to a more efficient usage of the forum for everyone.
            The opposite can be safely said when someone has to take time to post an answer to a question which has been answered before, or is covered in the manual itself, or can be easily deduced from it.

            In the case of this specific question, a test is what you could do to understand how GI calculations work in vray.
            Precalculate your IRmap and save it with QMC as secondary.
            Load it, and change the secondaries to nothing.
            Rerender, check differences.
            Around one minute on a slow pc

            Reading the theory in the online manual helps a deal to understand how the different parts work.
            IRMap+QMC has been VRay's flagship method for years, and it has been discussed far and wide in both archives and forums.
            Use the search function...


