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LC Flythrough ??

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  • LC Flythrough ??

    If i understand this correctly, if not please let me know.

    i am using lightcache in my scene as the secondary GI bounce. In a camera animation i have just 4 cylinders that are moving up and down. Nothing big really. Now if i switch in the Light cache parameters from "single frame" to "fly-through" it will calculate the light cache for the whole animation which i would then save to my linux map server that can be accessed by each render slave. After it computed the LC i switch it to "From File" and this would save me render time right instead of leaving it on "Single Frame"? Just want to be sure if I am right. Dont wanna see bad rendering on Monday. Thats all

    Oh and one more thing. Would you recommend on setting the Subdivs: from 1000 to 4000?



  • #2
    Running from saved solutions does not work properly with moving objects as the saved solution only accounts for what is basically a snapshot in time. Your options are to run a rendering frame by frame or to follow the guide listed in the Vray Spot3d help files:

    As for your subdivisions, that depends on the complexity/length of your scene. If you're not moving far, a lower subdiv count will suffice. If you're moving a distance you will want more subdivisions.
    LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
    HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
    Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


    • #3

      cheers mate

