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Merging Vray Image files

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  • Merging Vray Image files

    Any one know if this is possible?
    I had a 6000pix wide render going last night for about 6 hours then BSOD on me, Thanks for that!!!
    Ive set it to re-render in reverse seq. If i was to stop it at just beyond where it died, could i merge these to files some how??


  • #2
    if it BSOD on you then you sure it saved anything?

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
    stupid questions the forum can answer.


    • #3
      Yeah it saved, I checked to see.
      Its now passed the point where i died before (in reverse) so if thing ill leave it. managed to fob off the client for a couple of days.
      Just didn't know if it was at all possible to merge the 2 parts some how Apart from a bit of clever cutting in PS.
      I've had problem after problem with this scene trying to render it, running out memory so im guessing thats what caused the BSOD.


      • #4
        if you were rendering to a vrimg format then you probably have some of the previous render intact. not so sure if you were rendering to png, tif,...

        if you do have a partial vrimg you can convert that to exr and load it into photoshop and see what you have. then reversing the render direction would give you the balance of the image that failed the first time.

        V Miller

