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Bubble Material - Anyone know how?

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  • Bubble Material - Anyone know how?

    So i need to make something that is kind of like a bubble, but it must be an animated procedural material - the kind you would find if you blew some fairy liquid out of a toy thing......

    like this:

    It should be quite straight forward, but i'm having a few problems and i'd like to know if anyone has a really good way of doing it. What i've got so far is more or less glass - white Fresnel reflections, fully white refractive - possibly add a little bump noise map to distort it.

    Where i am having problems, is adding the 'animated oily colour'. I've tried noise, bitmaps, stucco's, but can't seem to nail it, especially as the refraction takes away most of the colour. I've tried adding a fog colour, but don't really want an overall colour tint, but a moving pattern on the surface.

    I'm sure it's possible to do this, but can anyone advise on how to achieve it? Even through a standard max material?

    I thought maybe adding the colour from a material specific HDR - (applied in the environment slot of the materail) but i want it to be animated, and don't have any 'extreme rainbow' HDR's that are animated, or even look like this.

    Any thoughts and help are much appreciated....
    Many thanks in advance.

  • #2
    what about a Vrayblend material, with an animated rainbow-noise as coating?


    • #3
      yep, that seems to be doing the trick - at least partially...

      Not being familiar with Lightwave or other packages that well, i'm only just beginning to appreciate what blended materials can achieve....

      However, even though the base material is fully refractive, and renders as 'glass' - when i add the 'rainbow noise' coat, it looses all refractivity...
      even with a blending of 5, not the default 100.

      Any thoughts?


      • #4
        if you don't use a map for blend, you're using the color swap beside the mapslot for blend amount.


        • #5
          many thanks jonnybefree.
          I seem to be getting the hang of it......


          • #6
            you might try setting the ior to less than 1
            Eric Boer


            • #7
              show us a image


              • #8
                Originally posted by jonnybefree
                an animated rainbow-noise as coating?
                could you please explain a bit more on that. this sounds interesting, but i haven't seen one like that...


                • #9
                  I think Vlado did one of these a long time ago....i'll look around and see if i can find it.
                  -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----

