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backburner stripe error

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  • backburner stripe error


    One of the lads here in our office just got this from one of his renders.

    As you can see
    (if you can see the image this is my 1st post with an image, thanks ene.xis)
    it was rendered through backburner and some of the stripes are off colour. I think some of the nodes did not gamma correct their stripes.

    Thing is that about an hour before he got this messed up render he put through the same image at a lower res. across the same render nodes to get a preview and it was fine. Then he put in a higher res and set it to go and got the messed up version I posted on here.

    Is this an error from backburner.
    Does backburner take the preference (i.e where you set the gamma to 2.2) from the saved max file that is being sent to render or from the ini. file of max on each individual render node?
    Has anyone else run into a similar problem?

  • #2
    sorry can t help u, as i don t recall exactly the solution for this kind of has been posted before, but i really can t remember. i think one of the solutions was to chek if all the nodes were using the same decimal separatos, either. or , ...

    nice pic by the way...though a little pale for me...
    ...oh and am i looking at it upside down....u got parquet on the ceiling??
    Nuno de Castro
    00351 917593145


    • #3
      It looks like one of your render nodes is not seeing your IRmap?
      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


      • #4
        Originally posted by Clifton Santiago
        It looks like one of your render nodes is not seeing your IRmap?
        Second that, or the "," "." problem

        Best regards,
        nikki Candelero
        .:: FREE Your MINDs, LIVE Your IDEAS ::.


        • #5
          it is happening to me all the time - I am not really sure but I am suspecting the "intel renderboxes". We have mixed renderfarm and I think that is doing always just our old Intel P4 based system - I actually stopped to use it.
          Also this problem appear also when I use VrayCamera and then I think affects all INTELS no matter how old are they. All AMDs are fine ( we have more AMDs than Intels, so then it is why I am saying this - it could be an oposit as weel if you have more Intels )

          Anyaway - I am not 100% sure and I am too busy to test it out more.



          • #6
            it aint the irmaps or the decimal point problem.

            we think we sorted out the problem.

            The marble map that is on the walls was adjusted using hue and saturation in PS and because of the way we have our network setup some of the rendernode were not picking up on the changes that were made to the bitmap.

            To keep traffic on our network down we have set up 2 rings one in the office itself with 6 computers on it and another ring in a room full or servers.

            1 machine in the office hosts the maps all the machines in the office reference that machine.

            1 machine in the render node room also hosts the maps and all the machines in that room reference that machine.

            The computer in the office with the maps updates the machine in the render node room every few minutes and its that time delay that caused the problem.

            I think. This is all the solution of the guy who runs our network and since I don't know that much about networking I aint sure if its the actual solution.

            Anyway its my boss that ran into the problem and if he's happy with the network administrators answer then I is happy.

            Unless we run into the problem again

            Hey honzal maybe you are running into the same problem if your intels are on a different network ring


            • #7
              Hi, im having the same problem and ive tried to render one image on one computer only in stripes and happends the same, all my maps are on a server and are shared so if i change one map it changes on all the machines, so if you know some other solution please let me know im desperate.

              ps. i know that this problem doesnt ussually happends on vray 1.4x and it only appears if you were using LC but im using irmap an qmc and also happends.


              • #8
                Originally posted by vaslavo
                ps. i know that this problem doesnt ussually happends on vray 1.4x and it only appears if you were using LC but im using irmap an qmc and also happends.
                Who said it only appeared with LC?

                To check, are you precalculating the irmap?


                • #9
                  no, im not precalculating the irmap, its a very large render and my machines crash with really bigger images, on previous version of vray i used to render my exteiror images with stripes and nothing happends, only interiors so on those ive precalculate the lc and irmap but now my exteriors also have problems with that method, first i supposed that the vray dome light with hdri or a vray light with area shadows but it also happends with standard lights and vray shadows ( no area) too.


                  • #10
                    try using 3000 lc subdiv, if you are using lc as a secondary bounce


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by mcnamex
                      try using 3000 lc subdiv, if you are using lc as a secondary bounce
                      and this fixes exactly what?
                      this is most certanly caused either by acessing problems in ur network or by the "," difference in the max settings...
                      Nuno de Castro

                      00351 917593145


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by vaslavo
                        no, im not precalculating the irmap,
                        This may be why.

                        Half the resolution then. The min/max rate should each be raised by one for every time you half it, although I'm not sure if this is exactly set in stone - I just find it works well.

                        And dont use LC - its very tempremental at high res and tends to be not worth the bother it can cause.

                        edit: I'm assuming the same problem exactly isnt happening to you, just a similar one because from what youve said the conditions for it cant exist. It would be much more helpful if you could post up an example though, rather than have everyone take a stab in the dark.


                        • #13
                          well if have tried to render in stripes on one machine and happends too...
                          i dont know hoy to post an image, i you could show me i can put different examples of diferent situations and always happends.

