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Maya Vray

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  • Maya Vray

    I am woring for a client who insists I do texturing in Maya - don't ask - anyway my Maya still are rusty at best - does anybody have thoughts on Vray for Maya? - anybody tested it, or would I be opening up a giant can of the most complex worms I have ever seen.

    Thanks as always.

  • #2
    id go tell my client to go stick maya where the sun dont shine. and here in barbados the sun shines most places

    MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
    stupid questions the forum can answer.


    • #3
      Might work ,if the client is cool with a big V-Ray logo in the corner.
      Eric Boer


      • #4
        Believe me if I could

        If I could I would - but I can't I have just been brushing up on my maya texturing skills - eh yeh right - like working with one hand behind my back and the other welded an anvil. Oh well if it pays the bills


        • #5
          But if you could get a pre-release version it looks like it works about the -same as in max, just sliders and stuff instead of spinners. Have you looked at the filmbox stuff?
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            pray tell why would he want it done in maya?

            MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
            stupid questions the forum can answer.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Da_elf
              pray tell why would he want it done in maya?
              Some clients are just dumb like that, they hear something on the news or see some cnn report on some Co that did some effect for some movie with some renderengine or software and they get stuck on that. I like to call it the shiney object syndrome, where they see a render or what not and their eyes glaze over and they start drooling at the thought of what could be, and due to plain ignorance there is only ONE peice of software that can produce what they want in their minds.

              I faught with a client that wanted me to buy maxwell to render their scenes and this was only 5 houses and I said not likely and tried to explain a little about vray but nope, they had to have their stuff rendered in maxwell so I refused the job and told them to go elsewhere. Needless to say I recently checked their site and looks like they found someone to render in scanline :P they also have come back and I have refused again as if their going to be that head strong and listen to an Ad agency that has no clue about the 3d industry rather than listen to someone thats been doing this since the early 90's then thats one PITA that I dont want/need...

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              • #8
                It is all of the above and more

                They are a big big company that only WORKS with Macs (if you are familiar with my posts you will be able to put this one together) I told them that bootstrap works fine but their guy only knows Maya. The irony is they won't be using my animations they will be using them as studies to build into else - sorry for being so cryptic. We have been sending stuff for about 4 months and then at the 11th hour they asked for everything to be sent as .ma or .mb - like you could just flick a switch - you have to laugh

                So it leaves me working inside Maya which I haven't done in a year or so - and in the meantime I have become a Vray addict, it seems so redundant to learn all about the Maya renderer or Mental Ray.

                Time to brush up on those skills-well if it was good enough for Finding Nemo then it is good enough for me - oh wait - that was Renderman (just like anything else great done in Maya) - maya renderer SUCKS !!!


                • #9
                  Re: It is all of the above and more

                  Originally posted by Adam H. Stewart
                  maya renderer SUCKS !!!

                  Delgo is doing a pretty good job of it, but thats only really if you fancy splitting everything in the scene up to be lit seperatly on its own pass.


                  • #10
                    I was kind of hoping that the high level of interaction between Maya and MAX, that Autodesk keeps talking about....would have been a seemless importer/exporter. Something that would allow you to save out Maya files directly. Its gotta be frustrating for ya....i get really pissed if i'm working on someone elses machine and i don;t have my keyboard shortcuts....let alone having to do something in another program completely.....when you know you could do it a hundred times faster in the package your more comfrotable with.
                    -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


                    • #11
                      Delgo does look good

                      I have to admit that Delgo does look pretty good - if it was done in the Maya renderer then my hats off to the animation team. Although that being said I always feel that maya renderings have this smokey cartoonish look. It is hard for me to overcome that with my basic maya skills - that is what is frustrating for me. Anyway enough whining from me - I should just knuckle down and do the work.


                      • #12
                        FBX is the way of the future according to autodesk, hopefully there will be some good development soon of complete max/maya translators
                        Chris Jackson


                        • #13
                          here is an important question. Your charging them both for the work done AND for the file your sending them? and its your fault their guy cant be more flexible? I never give my scene files to a client. it puts me right outside of the loop if they want changes made. However since im the only one down here who owns vray i doubt there is much my clients can do with my scenes hehehe. Im really evil that way. ive had 2 clients push and push and push to get my scene file even after i said no. They said "Its just for archiving purposes. we would feel more comfortable knowing the file is backed up with us." So i more or less got wicked. i removed all the objects i paid for online (like people and cars etc) then the rest of the scene i converted to proxies. then handed them the scene file without the proxie file. To which they called me and said "We wanted to change something in the scene but the guy who we took the file to cant open. Here lets let him talk to you......dude. i cant seem to get this file to open" to which i replied "thats because your not supposed to be able to" and then i hung up. called the boss of my client and told them to look in my contract where it said there was a fine if the file was used for anything other thsn backup purposes. hehehe. I am soooo glad that im now out of the arch viz buisness from here on in. well enough about me. hows everone else doing

                          MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                          stupid questions the forum can answer.

