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Biased Path tracing

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  • Biased Path tracing

    wow, good news. I assume it will also work with biased path tracing? in other words, when using the path tracing solution as GI prepass?
    Gijs wrote this some time last year & I was wondering what he was talking about! For an idiot like me could someone enlighten this Vray blunder head as to what biased path tracing is and how it effects the final image.

    Is it penry....the mild mannered janitor?

  • #2
    Biased generally means something that takes a few shortcuts to increase speed - it will introduce some inaccuracies technically, but probably not enough to care seeing as we're doing visualization as opposed to scientific tests where accuracy is paramount.


    • #3
      So is Gijs saying he/she intends to utilise the saved LC prepass and calculate GI with the adaptive tracing box ticked thus reducing the overall render time?

      Is it penry....the mild mannered janitor?


      • #4
        To be honest I've no idea what context he's talking in, as a rule though whenever anyone says "wow" at the start of a sentence it normally means more speed.


        • #5
          Either that or 'wow' as in 'wow their horsey'......!
          Is it penry....the mild mannered janitor?


          • #6
            Well, biased in current PPT is increasing sample size.
            I just can't seem to trust myself
            So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
            CG Artist

