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animation question

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  • animation question

    I need to create an animation of a moving wall. See images

    the total animation will be only 8 seconds for the wall to move into place. Is every 5th frame enough for the precalc? Both of these images are created with a low preset... Will a medium preset be enough?

    I forgot to mention that the two panels on each end of the moving wall need to rotate out 180 degs..........

    Any advice or crits would help too....



  • #2
    If your objects are moving, you can't precalculate your illumination.
    The suggested method in this case is using QMC+Light cache and rendering each frame without precalculation. You could even try Irradiance Map+light cache, sometimes you can get acceptable results too.

    A workaround would be rendering everything but the moving walls (they would be hidden), precalculating the solution. Then, u should make everything matte alpha= - 1 and receive shadows and affect alpha ticked, except the moving walls, which would be calculated frame by frame. You could render them with a region too. The u should composite them.
    It´s not the same but it´s fast.
    My Youtube VFX Channel -
    Sonata in motion - My first VFX short film made with VRAY.
    Sunset Day - My upcoming VFX short:


    • #3

      thanks for the response....

      since the camera isnt moving, I only need to run the precalc on a single image then hide everything but the moving wall with alpha applied to everything else.....

      interesting thought though.... render region for the area where I see the wall from within the image...?

      this sounds silly but, can i do a region animation set to output images? never tried it........




      • #4
        Originally posted by Arkitec
        this sounds silly but, can i do a region animation set to output images? never tried it........
        tried that once, didn't work. not sure if there is a solution for such renders (region/blowup renders)...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Arkitec
          this sounds silly but, can i do a region animation set to output images? never tried it........


          yeah, sure, i do it all the time. It works perfectly and it fits correctly with the background. Max will warn u though, but just click ok and u will be fine.
          My Youtube VFX Channel -
          Sonata in motion - My first VFX short film made with VRAY.
          Sunset Day - My upcoming VFX short:


          • #6

            seems to be working great! THANK YOU BIG TIME!


            • #7
              this sounds silly but, can i do a region animation set to output images? never tried it........

              I also do this often. With the other objects not contributing to alpha it is
              a snap to comp.


              • #8
                If you want to avoid the compositing step, you can render the still, replace it as the background, and then do the matte alpha background/moving wall animation in front of it.
                "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


                • #9

                  So how do I go about making the background image as an alpha? What happens to the GI of other objects if they are not set to mattes?

                  Could you explain a little more in detail.

                  Thank you for the advice.



                  • #10
                    My understanding of clifton's post is that you put the rendered still of the environment in the background slot of your scene. Then by turning all of those objects into a matte that doesn't contribute to alpha, you get a rendering of just the moving wall, that has a background of the still, so the two are already composited together. not sure if that explains it any more clearly....
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                    • #11
                      Yeah, what SnipeyX said. It just fixes the problem of edge pixels. I often have compositing problems whether I use straight alpha or pre-multiplied alpha, so I just avoid the problem by putting the background into later passes, which for me is usually people.

                      It may not be a very professional workflow, but I'm arch viz and I find its often faster to do things the "wrong" way.
                      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"

