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what to do with the secondary bounce during IrrMap precalc?

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  • #16
    I'm finding this a bit confusing. The VRay help file renders the LC and IR maps seperate then renders the animation from these saved files.

    So, when rendering them together - do you set the frames to full size and every 10th frame ? Do you set the IR Mode to Multiframe incremental and Autosave ?

    I am the same as leotchest - I need to get rid of flickering so, would I render the LC & IR with the 'Use lightcache for glossy rays' off then turn it on when rendering the animation ?


    • #17
      I believe they are rendered separately in the tutorial for explanatory purposes. The point I was trying to make previously was that there is no benefit to rendering them separately (or if there is one, what is it?)

      So, when rendering them together - do you set the frames to full size and every 10th frame ? Do you set the IR Mode to Multiframe incremental and Autosave ?
      Yes, when rendering them together, you can still render every 10th frame. The IR map will be calculated every 10th frame, but the LC will be calculated every frame automatically.

      I need to get rid of flickering so, would I render the LC & IR with the 'Use lightcache for glossy rays' off then turn it on when rendering the animation ?
      No, you want to select "Use ligthcache for glossy rays" when calculating the LC. Otherwise it wouldn't store the glossy ray calcs in the LC map.

      The only reason you would be getting flickering from your glossy reflections is if you have "Use Interpolation" checked. IMHO, using lightcache for glossies accelerates glossy reflections better than interoplation even for stills, and the materials are always "animation ready".
      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"


      • #18
        Thanks Clifton, it seems to be working perfectly but, I will find out when the animation is finished.

