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vrayphysical camera - where's the autoexposure button?

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  • vrayphysical camera - where's the autoexposure button?

    I've just started playing with vrayphysical camera.
    My early attempts were black exposures, before I realized I would have to repeatedly adjust the f-stop, film speed, and shutter speed to get a good exposure.

    It sure would be nice to have an aperture priority mode and a speed priority mode, not to mention an autoexposure mode... perhaps even some preset modes (e.g. action, nightshot, flower... etc).

    Even if these aren't available (yet)... how does everyone determine good exposure settings if you need a particular f-number to get the dof you desire? I hate the repetitive, trial and error method.


  • #2
    We use our knowledge of real-world camera behavior.

    Pretty quickly you get good at adjusting the exposure. Turn off anitaliasing, displacement, and turn down your GI solution for test renders and you can dial in the proper exposure to get the feel you want pretty quickly.


    • #3
      I'm not a photographer, I use
      Eric Boer


      • #4
        As far as testing the DOF goes...i usually use PPT because i get to see enough of the render while its building the image and i can just kill it and adjust the settings and re-render.
        -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


        • #5
          Re: vrayphysical camera - where's the autoexposure button?

          Originally posted by panofish
          Even if these aren't available (yet)... how does everyone determine good exposure settings if you need a particular f-number to get the dof you desire? I hate the repetitive, trial and error method.
          Eh, i hate that too, matey.
          That's why i have been banging at that exposimeter for months now
          Thanks Eric for the kind advertisement



          • #6
            Re: vrayphysical camera - where's the autoexposure button?

            Originally posted by studioDIM

            Eh, i hate that too, matey.
            That's why i have been banging at that exposimeter for months now
            Thanks Eric for the kind advertisement

            THANKS! That makes life a little easier.

