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Max 9 and Desktop

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  • Max 9 and Desktop

    Well...I am at a loss. Why would they take this feature out? I used to be able to link a file in Max 8 and then the individual components from the walls would come in as different entities. Now the Wall is on A-Wall and I have to use multi sub object mats to render with...AHHHHHH....I guess I am gonna have to go back to Max 8. I called our rep, but of course they are not really fluent in Max....Just sales..

    Thanx all
    Eric Camper
    Studio 3D

  • #2
    dude, what are you talking about?


    • #3
      Uhhh....I thought it was pretty clear....Obviusly this is a max issue. Do you use Arch Desktop? Max? I know this is a vray forum...But all the intelligent minds hang out here. Let me Explain...again....

      In Max...Or Viz....When you file link a drawing from Arch Desktop. The walls that have several different components come in as seperate entities that you can grab...EX:

      A wall style that has 3 components for Brick, Base, Eifs Band would come in as:

      Wallstylename:Eifs Band..

      Now the wall comes in on Max 9 as A-wall...The layer that it is on. And in CAD you have to assign each component a color so that you can use multi sub object materials..etc..etc..

      If no one knows thats cool.....Just thought I would hit it up here....

      See image below....In Max 9...All the walls come in on A-Wall

      Eric Camper
      Studio 3D


      • #4
        I'm not sure exactly what you are looking for as I use Revit not ADT. Do you want Max to seperate the objects into what objects work with what wall? Like WallCenterline1 has WallCenterLine1 EifsColumnCap1 and you want to see exactly what pieces work with that main wall?

        If that is what you are looking for, click on the Display Subtree and see if that organizes it a little better for you. That is how it works with Revit and Max.


        • #5

          Are you enjoying Revit? I use it here... awsome stuff! If anybody is good at Revit and needs a job (no out sourcing please) drop me a PM
          Bobby Parker

          phone: 2188206812

          My current hardware setup:
          • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
          • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
          • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
          • ​Windows 11 Pro


          • #6
            Ahhhh....I will have to try that when I get to work....Thanx all....Just got like 25 models to complete for a client.....So this should really tune my non skills....Thanx all
            Eric Camper
            Studio 3D


            • #7
              hey this should be in take 5.
              Chris Jackson


              • #8
                Hehe.....Ok....I tried to move this post but of course I forgot my admin password.....Hey Nikki...Can you email me the login and password for the software that I bought over thr internet byt domt remmber where ort when i purchased said sofware. I am trying to get some very important settings to you. Sorry...It is so hard to tipe with two keeeyboards. LOL
                Eric Camper
                Studio 3D


                • #9
                  Ok....I looked at the settings in Max 8 and 9. The file presets are exactly the same. So there should be no reason for the change...Weird. I tried Layers, Blocks as node Hier.... etc..etc....None of them work....Weird....So it looks like back to Max 8 and non 64 bit vray.....Ahhhh
                  Eric Camper
                  Studio 3D


                  • #10

                    Well..After the computer died...I installed Max 9 on my old one for the first time...32 bit of course....and will you know it....All the things that are missing in that one are there... The walls come in with components, Quicktime works, etc... Even after the PROD booster 64 bit still had funky things wrong.
                    Eric Camper
                    Studio 3D


                    • #11
                      Just a side note the booster extension makes file link a hell on earth, each reload (in a different max session) will not maintain the materials and modifiers. The solution is to use the sp1 file link plugins. The files are:
                      adttrans.dly dwgimp.dly filelink.dlu maplink.dly revittrans.dly

                      Of course use this solution at your one risk, but this will allow to maintain the other so call extras of the extension 1.

                      Best regards,
                      Daniel Santana | Co-Founder / Technical Director
                      You can do it! VFX
                      Lisbon/Porto - Portugal

