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Vista, XP64 & VRay

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  • Vista, XP64 & VRay

    We have a few machines with XP 64bit and potentially another with Vista64 bit. Are there any problems with compatibility when net rendering with these different Operating Systems with VRay ?

  • #2
    I don't think there should be any problems at least on the V-Ray side.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thanks Vlado.


      • #4
        We have a couple of systems on our render farm running 64-bit Windows XP, Max and Vray and they work fine along side their 32-bit counterparts

        Haven't dared risk Vista yet though...
        Thou shalt not kill clients - For they know not what they ask


        • #5
          We use 32/64-bit XP combinations with no problems.
          We have Vista on a couple of workstations, although we only render on these occasionally they haven't given us any problems yet...
          Uniform | Somewhere


          • #6
            My network is 2 machines, 1 XP Pro (32 bit) and the other XP x64 and I have no problems with rendering max / vray on either. On the XP x64 machine I have had compatibility issues with other programs though like winzip, and Autocad. You need 64bit Autocad which is a pain if you own an older version that's not 64b. Also I've noticed that most software instalation wizards / utilities don't work perfectly in x64 and usually post some warning about compatiblity or certain components not installing properly. If you looking for a machine to just render max/vray I'd say go XP x64 for sure, if your looking for an all around computer for rendering as well as other everyday things I'd say steer clear of 64bit for now. Personally I regret installing XP x64 on the new box and will probably reformat and go back to XP pro (32bit) which has proven to be a bomber reliable OS. I haven't touched Vista and from all accounts I've heard, even from vendors who sell it, I'd say stay away from it for a least another year.


            • #7
              I have found the whole network rendering thing a complete pain in the arse especially as it is so fragile. No way was I going to introduce a new OS on one machine especially when we have gone to the bother of getting all machines in the exact same spec.

              The up side of 64bit is larger scenes and more available ram. Not much else.


              • #8
                I'm confused. (not a uncommon state beeing me)
                Do I understand this correctly.

                I'm pretty much stuck with a 32-bit laptop but I'm about to buy myself some renderslaves. I figured 64-bit systems would be fine as long as I don't mix the job assignements at rendertime between 32 and 64 systems.

                But can I start a network rendering job on a 64-bit server from a 32-bit workstation?

                Can I buy a 64-bit system with XP-64 and run a 32-bit Max on it? It seams like a waste but still more of a investement since I move towards 64-bit solution in the future.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lander
                  I'm confused. (not a uncommon state beeing me)
                  Do I understand this correctly.

                  I'm pretty much stuck with a 32-bit laptop but I'm about to buy myself some renderslaves. I figured 64-bit systems would be fine as long as I don't mix the job assignements at rendertime between 32 and 64 systems.

                  But can I start a network rendering job on a 64-bit server from a 32-bit workstation?

                  Can I buy a 64-bit system with XP-64 and run a 32-bit Max on it? It seams like a waste but still more of a investement since I move towards 64-bit solution in the future.
                  Yes (with the service pack) and yes
                  Eric Boer


                  • #10
                    It's been done. Thanks a bunch

