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Possible to decrease bucket size?

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  • Possible to decrease bucket size?

    Hi- I am wondering if it is possible to decrease the bucket size on a 640x480 render for example. Have been waiting an hour or so for the last bucket to render. The other processor sits idle.

    Would there be an advantage to rendering out a larger image which would result in proportionally more buckets or is that offset by the increased amount of buckets required.



  • #2
    Yep you're right in the sense that you're losing half your machine if it's sitting idle and the smaller bucket size would give you a speed up at the last stages and you'd get more frequent updates of areas of your picture. It's in the system rollout. That said though, smaller buckets will also be a tiny bit slower on really simple areas of the render. Bit of a balancing act really.


    • #3
      Ah good- It's good to be able to start working in the world of balancing as opposed to simply falling off the rope straight away -
      I'll check it out- Thx.


      • #4
        I think what would be REALLY nice is for the last bucket/s to adjust in size automatically so that all the processors are used. I would imagine it could do this multiple times, with the multiple set to whatever you desire.
        That way the last little bucket would be dramatically minimized as far as how long the other processors are sitting idle.

        That shouldn't be that hard to do, but I'm not sure if it would work with respect to GI information. I wonder if vlado would comment on that.


        • #5
          adaptive buckets its something that has been talked about. And its possible now. I cant remember what system can do this, but its been done. But from what I know in current vray, once the rendering has started in the bucket there is no way to split it up between the cpus.
          Dmitry Vinnik
          Silhouette Images Inc.


          • #6
            yes, adaptive buckets would be a really welcome feature, especially with DR as well.

            I find with 8 treaded machines, some buckets can get 'stuck' on the last region, or a particuarly tricky region (such as layered glossy refractions for example) which is stupid as only 13% of the cpu is actually active. why not split it up and use 100%?


            • #7
              There was a thread about the last bucket taking ages and ages which might be a smilar problem to this.

              However adaptive buckets would be damn cool.

              Im kind of expecting Vlado to pipe in and say something like maybe we will have it soon

