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RC4 Question

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  • RC4 Question

    Hi guys,

    I am just in the process of installing Viz2008 and was going to download the latest version of Vray. Currently I am using RC2, and am hesitant to download the RC3 candidate because of the glass / affect shadows bug on the Multi-subobject materials. Does anyone know if this issue is fixed in the latest RC4 public beta released back in January? Or would I be best to re-install my older RC2 version? Also, does anyone know when the final RC4 candidate will go non-beta? It looks like it has a lot of useful fixes.

    Thanks in advance for any info.

  • #2
    RC4 fixed this issue.
    I just can't seem to trust myself
    So what chance does that leave, for anyone else?
    CG Artist


    • #3
      Hey loafer87gt, remember me

      Yes the issue was fixed, but you can get around it quite easily in RC3 by putting your glass material into a vrayblendmtl which you then put in your multisub material.

      I wont comment on the release date of RC4/5 as I have no idea. And I think the best answer you would even get from Vlado wil be just "soon"


      • #4
        I would stick to RC2 if I were you. I recently upgraded to max9 and RC3 together and it seems much much slower. I can't go back to RC2 on max because the files aren't available for download anymore. I wish I could right now!


        • #5
          if i'm correct rc4 is nog there yet right... ?? perhaps an eta you can give?
          hmm wonder if this post is also gonna get more then 50 pages of reply's just as the 1.5 version did hahahaha. eta's rockzorz
          My Homepage :


          • #6
            Thanks for the replies guys! I ended up installing RC3 right now, and seem to have everything working OK so far. I found the stickied fix for the glass, and it seems to be working OK.

            Hey DaForce! How are things going?


            • #7
              haha good mate, good. Yourself?

              Got those max viewport problems sorted yet? D3D should run alot faster than opengl on your 8800.
              Well it sure does in max9 due to all the mesh caching.. not sure if that feature is present in Viz2008.


              • #8
                I have actually had to revert back to Max 8 again at the office. I found Max 9 was just too darn slow! Viewport performance was great, but the material editor was very slow when using Vray materials, and when rendering scenes it seems as if the initial portion of the Vray renderer is only using one of my four cores, and it is very slow to cancel or finish rendering the last buckets of an image. Overall, I found the program to be quite speedy using the default renderer, but with the current RC3 build I found it to be too laggy to be used in my workflow. Also, the affect alpha / affect shadow bug was causing problems with some of my older scenes. Hopefully we will see RC4 in the near future.

                Anywhoo -IIRC you are using an 8800 card, right? If so, I'll PM you a link to a thread on the Rivatuner forums. Apparently the guys on there got the full Quadro capabilities unlocked on the newer G80 cards, transforming the GTX and GTX in to the 4600 and 5600 respectively. Maxtreme 9 is also verified to be working on the consumer level cards.


                • #9
                  Well if max8 works fine then , so be it. May as well wait for RC4 then, just to be safe.

                  Oh sweet Thanks

