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ps jaggies

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  • ps jaggies

    I am working on a displacement map that was created in ps. The line work originated as a DWG file that I printed to an EPS file. At a close up you can really see the jagged edges. The ps file is already pretty large 200 dpi and 48" tall. Now the detail I need is incredibly ornate. I have tried adding a blur to the offending layers but it doesn't seem to be enough. Are there any good techniques for this?


  • #2
    In the "2D mapping" box, increase the the resolution setting.
    - Geoff


    • #3
      Thanks geoff - I had that cranked really high. I think it was over 2k. I will test it though.


      • #4
        Can you post up a render of the affect areas and a shot of your displacement settings.

        I remember having this problem ages ago.. but cant recall what I did to fix it.
        Different file type for the map perhaps?
        Come to think of it maybe it was high contrast areas in the disp map.. such as black and white edges.. I think I blurred it in PS ever so slightly and that help.. really cant recall would have to test.


        • #5
          Here is the AO pass you can see pretty clear the problem.



          • #6
            hmm yeah its most noticable on thise thin edges. And you have the resolution quite high?

            Have you tried 3d and lowering the edge length?


            • #7
              I did just try a 3d displ. and it wasn't any better the edge length was 1. It took a lot longer. I may be ok if I can move back the camera. I mostly have this problem when I take cad files into ps like this no matter the resolution of the file I end up with some jaggies.

              Is there anything in ps I can do or do I need to just keep blurring it?


              • #8
                Im fairly sure its due to the high contrast edges. See if you can slightly blur the edges or perhaps drop a meshsmooth/turbsmooth on the mesh below the vraydisplacement mod and see if that helps at all.


                • #9
                  I am doing more of this type of work and I have more of the same issues:

                  I have tried upping subs for the plane and adding a mesh smooth. I have blurred the object in the bitmap settings as well as increased the blur filter for the displacement map. I have used both 3d and 2d. No luck.

                  Here is the displ map:

                  I am not finished painting it. I didn't want to go too far before know how this issue would play out.

                  Any help would be great



                  • #10
                    Hmm odd.

                    I will try in a sec with your map and see if i can get any decent results.

                    I might be a matter of using 3d displacement and lowering the edge length.

                    I think the main problem is your image isnt large enough.. so there just isnt enough pixels for those very thin lines.

                    I am trying to get it looking decent now but you may need a much larger image.


                    • #11
                      After much tinkering I think you basically need a much higher resoltuion map and a much better quality/cleaner one. You have random grey bits around the edges like a ghosting.. lots of jaggies..etc
                      Try stick with a higher quality format like TIF or TGA or perhaps JPG with no compression.
                      As the artifacts can cause issues.

                      With fine lines like these you need resolution and quality. If your doing the line work in illustrator or similar save it out as an EPS or AI file and import into PS and make it huge. I had the final jpg at close to 22000 wide. (might be overkilll)
                      See if that helps.

                      Then seems 3d is better and with a lower edge length.. like 1 or 2 pixels. ANd up the subdivs to 512


                      • #12
                        Da Force - Cheers! I had set the edge length down to 2 and really didn't see much difference between 4-2 but going to one really made the difference.

                        The map is pure crap its from a pdf that the client provided and I wanted to see if I could use it or if it was just to low res before I went into cleaning it too much.


                        • #13
                          im actually using 2d displacement with vray bump map and im getting pretty smooth results

                          MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                          stupid questions the forum can answer.


                          • #14
                            Da Elf are you using the bmp filter?


                            • #15
                              Hmm didnt think of using the vray bitmap filter. Seems to make it easier.

                              However I was able to get it about as good as Elf anyway. BUt I was aiming to get the close up details cleared up. Which I think just isnt possible with that quality image.

