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Antialiasing Filter

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  • Antialiasing Filter

    Just wondering about the Antialiasing Filter... i normally just leave it checked and on 'area' but i recently tried unchecking to see what it looked like and to my eye i can see no difference at all except it seems to render each frame about 4-5secs quicker (average frame time was about 1:50secs) not massive but as that big UK food retailer says 'every little helps'.
    Can anyone see a reason why i might not want to render without the Antialiasing Filter on? am i missing somthing?


  • #2
    The filter will give a certain look to your render and can often help with some moving render issues. Filters like mitchell and catmull will enhance the edges of your render making them appear more detailed and sharper, stuff like soften and video will blur the edges a bit which may suit softer renders. Also if you get problems on broadcast with tiny details shimmering or lines with a slight angle to them crawling, a softer filter can often remove the problem or make it less obvious at least. If the render is fine with now filter then you don't necessarily need it - if anything having no filter may give you more flexibility, especially if you do heavy colour corrections of your renders in a 2d process afterwards.


    • #3
      I never use it, and just crank the AA up to 1,6 or 1,8 if I hit noise.

