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installing 1.500 ....what's needed?

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  • installing 1.500 ....what's needed?

    I'm kinda confused on the installation of the new 1.50 final.

    I have 1.5 RC3 running well, w/ server and dongle and all.

    but when I installed 1.500 (just the render slave setup) and try to pic at my server for a license (license server is a different computer) wont get one.

    so the questions are:

    do I need a whole new dongle, just for 1.500, or will the dongle for 1.5 RC3 still work with the new 1.500??

    and do I therefore need to install the new license software server that came with 1.500, or will the one I have in place now that's working w/ 1.5 RC3 still work w/ 1.500?

    I know these might sound like basic questions to some, but I'm confused and would like some clear answers.


  • #2
    you'll need to update vrlserver.exe on the lincense server
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      thanks for the quick reply

      so the dongles I have in place that are working w/ 1.5 RC3 would still work?....

      I'll instal the new vrlserver.exe on the server comp then and see what happens....

      I have multiple licenses of vray 1.5 RC3 working......if I update the vrlserver.exe then will that break the 1.5RC3 licenses, in favour of the 1.5 final, or will both work off the new vrlserver.exe?

      thanks again.


      • #4
        Originally posted by cocolas
        so the dongles I have in place that are working w/ 1.5 RC3 would still work?
        Yep, of course;

        I have multiple licenses of vray 1.5 RC3 working......if I update the vrlserver.exe then will that break the 1.5RC3 licenses, in favour of the 1.5 final, or will both work off the new vrlserver.exe?
        Both should work fine with the new server.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5

          thanks a lot for the quick reply make sense now.


