I use Vray for Rhino, so my interface isn't the same like for 3dsmax, but maybe someone could give me general suggestions.
My problem is, that I found no way, to get a good sampling of the geometry details and a material based subdiv control.
* Left image - classical setup 1/4 and material subdivs at high values (f.ex. 60) - materials looks fine, but edges and geometric details are to low sampled
* middle image - I increase the image sampler to get a better geometry sampling, but lost the surface quality. The material subdivs dons't help so much to increase the quality, only the general noise threshold.
* right image - Vlado's universal setup, only the noise level helps to increase the quality of the whole image, but a per material control is inpossible
What could I do? I'm searching for a way to work like at the classical setup, with material subdivs and to get higher geometric sampling? Is it possible to use a higher image sampling without to lost the material based control?
Ciao, Micha
I use Vray for Rhino, so my interface isn't the same like for 3dsmax, but maybe someone could give me general suggestions.
My problem is, that I found no way, to get a good sampling of the geometry details and a material based subdiv control.
* Left image - classical setup 1/4 and material subdivs at high values (f.ex. 60) - materials looks fine, but edges and geometric details are to low sampled
* middle image - I increase the image sampler to get a better geometry sampling, but lost the surface quality. The material subdivs dons't help so much to increase the quality, only the general noise threshold.
* right image - Vlado's universal setup, only the noise level helps to increase the quality of the whole image, but a per material control is inpossible
What could I do? I'm searching for a way to work like at the classical setup, with material subdivs and to get higher geometric sampling? Is it possible to use a higher image sampling without to lost the material based control?
Ciao, Micha
