Is it possible to reserve a license for a particular computer or IP range, via the vray license server? Maybe with a config file?
We currently have one license server with 3 licenses for our visualisation department (1 dongle w/3 licenses), and we are going to be purchasing 1 additional license, but for general office use. We want the new one to float amongst one of three three architects with Vray on their machines. At the same time, we want the original 3 reserved for my team.
If not, I assume we will need to set up a separate vray license server? With a separate dongle?
We currently have one license server with 3 licenses for our visualisation department (1 dongle w/3 licenses), and we are going to be purchasing 1 additional license, but for general office use. We want the new one to float amongst one of three three architects with Vray on their machines. At the same time, we want the original 3 reserved for my team.
If not, I assume we will need to set up a separate vray license server? With a separate dongle?