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max eats files

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  • max eats files

    This may not have anything to do with vray, even though it is a plugin in this.

    This is a new recent thing and it happens inconsistently. I open a file and then save it (no actions) and the processor goes into 100% use and the file disappears from the server even though it is still open on screen with max wailing away trying to save it.

    I have uninstalled, reinstalled, updated to serv pak 2 but it still eats files.

    I open another file, save it and no problem, merge pieces of the 1st file in piece by piece, saving each time, and eventually it goes into 100% cpu usage at save and the file is gone from the server. I can’t narrow it down to any object from the file because it is not consistant as to when it eats the file.

    Has anyone ever experienced this?

  • #2
    I have seen this happen when space was an issue.. i.e. your saving location is out of diskspace.

    Not sure if your local C drive or max install drive matter if they are low on space but certainly when i tried to save to a drive with not enough space it just sits there.


    • #3
      There was a thread with the exact same issue on the old Autodesk Area discussions forum; I don't remember if/how it was solved though - but you can try to look it up.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        da is no is on our general server..

        Vlado, i'm not sure if the new area has saved the old threads but i'll give a search ther a try.



        • #5
          Heya mikeh

          I am having the same problems as of today. If you find something on that issue it would be nice if you would let me know and vice versa of course.



          • #6
            okey, maybe a windows error,

            check this by going to start>run
            Enter here "eventvwr"

            Then goto system and see if you have any red icons, red means bad.
            click the errors and try searching the inter or post them here :0
            My Homepage :


            • #7
              Of a whole, multi-object, complex archviz scene, max 9 decided to quite on me for one editable poly.
              The bloody handles for the shades, hand-modelled to fit the specific bill with a poly object (like A, B, C of max poly-modelling, no fuss), will crash max to desktop every time i try opening or merging them (or XRefing the scene or object in question).
              NOTHING i can think of but remerging the rest of the scene, and redo the handles.
              Anyone heard of this before?
              Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

              The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


              • #8
                Originally posted by ^Lele^
                Anyone heard of this before?
                I have problems with polies from time to time, doesn't happen often, but it happens. sometime turning the poly into mesh and then turning it back sorts it out (after loosing anything you have in the stack). but it doesn't always work, and I still can't figure out what is the problem with certain objects, it's always out of the blue and for not apparent reason.
                in most cases I just have to get rid of the bad poly to keep working on the scene, but I always save incrementally, so it goes down to a couple of steps back at worst.


                • #9
                  Thanks for the reply.
                  I can in fact merge everything but those objects, the rest works perfectly fine, including a very high res poly object.
                  I remerged, and i'm carrying on...
                  Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                  The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                  • #10
                    I've had an issue similar to this before.

                    I save all my scenes incrementally to a network drive and autoback is on a local drive but on one occasion, for a whole working day, Max was not saving the file or backing it up even although it went through all the motions, and appeared to save (Max never popped any errors).

                    Next day I went to open up the file and although it was in my recent files list, there was no Max file to be found anywhere! I lost a whole days work.

                    I never found an explanation for this and the file saved fine the next day.

                    This has happened on other occasions too but I've noticed before losing work.

                    If you ever find the solution, please post it here.
                    Uniform | Somewhere


                    • #11
                      now my other machine is erroring out. I'm wondering if it might be the topo that i am dealing with. I have have had other files that were corrupted by cad topo and deleting the topo solved the problem. The problem here is that this is JUST topo. This is probably going to take some time to track down. Hopefully i'll have something by the end of the week. The topo is HUGE. Bigger than our office has ever dealt with before. I am bringing it into max piece by piece. What is happening is that i have not been able to assemble it all into one file yet because of the file delete problem.


                      • #12
                        I solved this issue with starting a new scene and merge everthing in it without any xrefs. The file is huge now but i doesn't crash anymore i managed to shrink it tho with a compressed save. Now my PF Usage is at 1.5 GB in idle tho which worries me a bit.



                        • #13
                          i tried merging and still get max deleting the file on save.


                          • #14
                            maybe this is not due 3dsmax. try disableing all virus/firewalls and such.
                            i had the same problem and the it was caused by kaspersky.
                            My Homepage :


                            • #15
                              i tried exporting the mesh out of max as an fbx file and recieved a warning at the time of export about non-manifold topology. I went into sub-object mode and found that none of the vertices had been welded on import even though i had selected "weld vertices" on import. I'm going to try manualy welding everything and see if that makes a difference. Turning off McAfee is not an option. I work in a 90+ person office.

