like suggested here and in vray manual, i use frame rendering with multiframe incremental method when making camera walkthroughs. I miss possibility to automate the process, for example:
- render every 5th frame, don't render final image, multiframe incremental
- swithch to saved map (that's possible with auto save / switch feature)
- render every frame, render final image, use IR map, save TGA
if this is already discussed you can point me to that specific topic since i was unable to find the answer on the forum.
Thank you
- render every 5th frame, don't render final image, multiframe incremental
- swithch to saved map (that's possible with auto save / switch feature)
- render every frame, render final image, use IR map, save TGA
if this is already discussed you can point me to that specific topic since i was unable to find the answer on the forum.
Thank you