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How to light exterior for interior animation?

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  • How to light exterior for interior animation?

    I'm sure that the answer to my question has been posted many times here, but I haven't been able to find my answer with a bit of searching this morning. If anyone could at least point me to a previous post, I would be very thankful.

    What would anyone suggest for an exterior lighting setup, render settings or perhaps a multi-pass compositing arrangement to fix exterior splotches?
    I'm doing an animated walk through of an interior using IR and LC. I have an HDRI image in the environment override, a VRayLight sphere for the exterior sun, and various other interior lighting. I've precalculated the light cache for animation (1500 subd., 2 samp. size, scale: world, fly through), and set the IR to Medium with interp. samples set to 25, with all other IR set to default. r-QMC: Adaptive amount: .9, Noise threshold: .002, min. samples: 16. I'm still getting spotches on my exterior objects as seen through the open windows.


  • #2
    it may be too late for your project but i would recommend using the vray sun and sky system with the vray physical camera, and linear workflow. lighting is much more realistic, not to mention vastly easier and consistent inside and out.


    • #3
      Thanks for your reply nvanherpt. I've experimented some with the vray physical camera - sun sky approch, but haven't had the time between projects to commit to switching over to LWF yet. I'll have to try out your suggestion.

      Will this actually add more samples to the exterior lighting to remove the splotches? Would you keep similar render settings as the ones that I mentioned before with IR +LC?

      Thanks again!


      • #4
        If anyone wishes to correct me on this feel free, but I'd try to pump up the Interp. samples.

        Otherwise definitely start using the vray sun + sky, as well as the lwf. I put off the whole lwf because of time too, but its totally worth it, another world.

