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Vray and Onyx

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  • #31
    totally agree with instinct...
    i feel ur pain...but no point in pushing ur words so thinks!
    it s still a great plugin and hopefully they ll sort it out...eventually!
    Nuno de Castro
    00351 917593145


    • #32
      Originally posted by deneb26 View Post
      well i'm also considering to purchase a tree generator and after seeing this i'm totaly blown away by the quality the onyx trees deliver.
      so for me it's clear.

      Has he yet mentioned how long he spent with onyx to get those results? Nonetheless, that is some amazing work!

      I get to work with the plugin fairly regularly but I am far from mastering it as that person seems to have done. My biggest problems are encountered when trying to get the leaf and branch densities correct.
      Ben Steinert


      • #33
        Originally posted by zoranm View Post
        I save a tree from onyx as a 3ds file, then import in max, collapse, attached all into one object and create a vray proxy mesh.
        I first thought that it's something to do with screwed up pivots and bounding boxes so I tried resetting by XForm but nothing helped.
        Funny thing is that it doesn't affect all Onyx trees, just some of them

        This has got me thinking, and....

        Are you sure it isn't just welding the vertexes when you bring them in and that they're triangles even before you make 'em proxies? I would definitely do what someone else here suggested and bring them in here with the plugin, then go ahead and make them editable meshes, and then make them proxies. I would also make sure it is only your leaves, and that your branches aren't collapsing as well using your original method - or turn off welding.

        My experience with the 3DS format is that it is inevitably understood as english units (though I've never seen this documented), while Onyx is natively metric, so pulling those definitions through the 3DS format is just always gonna be fraught with these kind of things especially with the nebulous MAX unit world.

        But that is just my theory.

        As far as lukx, I think insulting their appearance is a bit harsh, and considering they have a monopoly, they are a crap load more helpful than I would ever expect anyone in their position to be. I've had many conversations with them over the years (never in the back of a VW minibus I might add) and they are always very helpful and pleasant.
        Jon Kletzienstudio amd


        • #34
          onyx and treestorm are great.
          Support is not so good (in my opinion) they said to me - there are no issues with the 64bit plugin, everything works fine here.
          I recently had to convert a scene back to max 8 to be able to use the wind in treestorm.
          Max 9 (64bit) -i could get 1 or 2 trees in a scene before my scene became so unstable I had to collapse the trees.
          Max 8 -I could plant around 800 trees and animate the wind and render it quickly and easily.
          Chris Jackson


          • #35
            Their support department gave us the same "everything works fine here" line as well, Jack. We've all but given up and continue to run Max8 purely to create Onyx trees. Eventually they will have to improve their plugin, but we paid good money to upgrade purely for max9 x64 support which is, to be blunt, completely worthless on all our workstations. It's a real shame for such an amazing software package to be neutered through terrible software plugin execution.


            • #36
              Some news about onyxtree/treestorm on Max 2008 64 bit?

              Is it stable?



              • #37
                Hi all,

                don't know if this if of any help, I was getting the 'everything works fine here on 64bit' support too but I've had a bit of a breakthrough..... well at least it doesn't crash every other frame..... the support sent me this reply:

                "We performed another test on Max 9. We put the plates for a single-object leaf. The plate resolution is zero, each plate has 1 polygon. We put 50 random variation trees on the scene without crashing. Enclosed is a JPG that illustrates that. When we increased the plate resolution to 3, each plate has 72 polygons, we got the crash after 21 trees. This is the memory issue. Note that this tree has 4924 leaves, which amounts to 354528 polygons per tree on the leaves only. For 20 trees, we have more than 7 million polygons which is way too much for a given amount of Max memory. If you wish to use many trees, you should be aware of that fact and reduce the polygon content of the scene accordingly. You may put the plates with resolution zero in the most economical cases."

                I am new to onyx and the default resolution was 3, so forgive me if y'all already deciphered this setting...

                cheers, mike
                Cheers, Michael.

