Originally posted by gilpo
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I have the materials assigned to the objects as much as possible (ex. window frames, window glass, cabinets, railings, grass, doors, etc.) the problem is in walls and floors. In my area everything is concrete construction, so paint has to be applied to all walls. Do you apply colors to your walls in Revit or do you do this in Max, or maybe you don't need to paint walls because they are stone or wood? I have a whole lot of colors used to paint the buildings and to have a separate wall type for each color and color combination would not work. Sometimes one side of the wall is one color, and another side another color (ex. inside, outside). If the walls where stone veneers, wood, masonry, etc... there would be no problem, but they are grey concrete stucco that needs to be painted much the same way one would use the paintbucket tool in Revit.