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Question : Resuming render while rendering multiframe incremental

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  • Question : Resuming render while rendering multiframe incremental

    i am working on an animation and an using LC and IRR (every 10th frame, Multiframe Incremental).

    What happens if say my calculation of IRR stops at frame 600 and i need to restart calculations it from that frame again?

    Do i just render the last complete frame from file (590) and then recaluclate again from there onwards using the same settings?


  • #2

    the difference between incremental add to current map and multiframe incremental is that when you start your sequence rendering, the "multiframe incremental" mode kills all IRR map samples stored in ram, to be sure to have a clean start. the "incremental add to current map" mode don't touch the actual irrmap actually in ram, and just add samples to it when necessary. so i think there's a way (if you've saved your irrmap of course)

    did you use the "auto save" mode in your irrmap ?
    if yes :
    - make a backup of you irrmap file.
    - first click on "reset" button to kill all residual irrmap samples.
    - switch to "from file" mode and choose you irrmap 0-590 file
    - render frame n°590. This will load in ram you irrmap file a first time. normally, the irrmap pass will go very fast, as samples are already calculated for this frame. you can use don't render final image option. The goal is to load your presaved irrmap into ram.
    - now switch to incremental add to current map and use "autosave mode" (for bakcup )
    - the frame n°600 will add samples to your already calculated irrmap and you can can finish your walktrough rendering.

    if no : (i'm not really sure.... !)
    if you've already rendered final images for 0-590 sequence:
    - try to recompute a new irrmap (with don't render final image option on), let's say starting at frame 480 to the end, every 10th frame and save it ! this will give extra info to your new irrmap.
    - then, using this new irrmap, render final images starting approx 25 frames (1 sec) before the point you've reached. Let's say start at frame 465. go to the end like this.
    - in your compositing software, fade the two sequences in 25 frames to filter little changes between them. this will fade GI differences between sequences and will give acceptable results without rerendering all frames. only 12 irrmap passes and 25final images to recompute.

    if you've rendered no final images at all.. hmm... i give my hand to senior members for an answer !!

    please guys correct me if i'm wrong in this post !
    Jérôme Prévost.
    SolidRocks, the V-Ray Wizard.


    • #3
      Thanks a lot for the answers.

