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Crashing at random frames during animation

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  • Crashing at random frames during animation

    Hi im getting this error in the Vraylog when trying to render an animation.

    [2008/Jan/30|09:39:59] Threads completed
    [2008/Jan/30|09:39:59] Setting up 8 thread(s)
    [2008/Jan/30|09:40:00] Threads completed
    [2008/Jan/30|09:40:00] Setting up 8 thread(s)
    [2008/Jan/30|09:40:02] Threads completed
    [2008/Jan/30|09:40:02] Calling endPass() on irradiance maps
    [2008/Jan/30|09:40:02] error: UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: Image prepass
    Last marker is at .\src\material.cpp, line 1779: VRayMtl::shade() {2}

    This is with a material override and using standard (Animation Prepass actually) Irradiance Map and Light Cache settings.
    Anyone know what may be causing this?
    Last edited by AlexP; 30-01-2008, 02:49 AM.

  • #2
    most likely memory. Is it a large scene?

    "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


    • #3
      What is the memory usage at that point?

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        Well this is sent over the network so im not entirely sure. But the nodes are dedicated Boxx render slaves, and they very rarely crash even on the largest scenes.
        The scene isnt big at all.
        But there is alot of animation, not sure whether this makes any difference....


        • #5
          If the crash is reproducible, you can try to email me the scene to and I will be able to tell you more about it.

          Best regards,
          I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


          • #6
            I'm having a very similar problem right now.

            UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: image prepass etc.

            I saved out the gi first using two render nodes, Irr. map 'multiframe incremental', I am animating the sun.

            I've had several 'UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: image prepass etc.' errors during the gi saving pass.

            I don't know if this is network problem. I see memory was mentioned above. We are running 8gigs of ram on my comp and both nodes.

            Did you have any luck figuring out what was happening to Alex's job?


            • #7
              Never got round to sending it. Same old story, ran out of time, so just had to figure a way round it.

              Cant even remember which job now, been too many since then!

