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Long single camera, merge LC?

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  • Long single camera, merge LC?


    Im thinking about rendering a 6000+ animation with a 1500 frame fly about outside, followed by an internal pass underground. The brief kind of requires a single pass, but Im concerned about using LC for this.

    I am thinking I will have to seperate the single camera path into an outside and inside scene files, and use LC walkthrough mode, one for each scene, and blend between the sequences in post.

    However, it made me think can we not merge LC flythough files together? I could then work out the two LC sequences, merge them, and get on with the IR and rendering from one scene. The only other option is to render the LC every frame with high settings, how high I dont know!

    Can they be merged, or is there a spacific reason we cant?


  • #2
    Currently you cannot merge the light cache files; however you can still calculate 2 separate files for the inside and outside, and render the inside/outside sequences separately using the corresponding light cache.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thought so. Is this something that will be possible in the future? Ill persavear for now!

