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RTT - shadows and light only in 3D Studio Max ???

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  • RTT - shadows and light only in 3D Studio Max ???

    Hi all good people at the forum

    I have asked a similar question before, I got some answers but I was never able to get a workable solution. My question is :

    I have a scene that will be exported to Quest3D or any 3D engine. The engine editor gives me an option to texture the scene with tileable texture to get the scene size down and speed up. What I need is a shadow/light texture that will blend with the base texture.

    I need Vray (1.5 SP) and 3D Studio Max (200() to render out a texture for an object with only the shadow and light information (no other color information, just a grey scale image). Is this possible or not??

    The texture baking tutorial of the Vray documentation ends like this :"In the next part of the texture baking tutorial you will learn how to bake only specific elements of the rendering (e.g. only the lighting or GI)." - Yes, yes, yes, yes, but when and where???



    Last edited by harry101; 10-02-2008, 02:22 PM.

  • #2
    You simply need to add the bake elements that you need in the Render-to-texture dialog (e.g. VRayRawTotalLightingMap or VRayRawGlobalIlluminationMap or VRayRawLightingMap, depending on what you want to do with them).

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thank you vlado, again, but I get the same results no matter witch of them I choose, or rather two different results. A black empty image or a fully textured one. I guess it is like the last time you answered a post from me on this subject. There must be something in Max that don't work.

      I have fought this for three weeks or so, and it is like everything is right and it should work, but then it falls miserable.

      I just want a shadow lightning, grayscale, map. Is that to much to ask for sob!!

      Well I keep up the fight !!




      • #4
        Well, you need to use V-Ray materials; if you use standard materials, it will probably work as you say. You can use the V-Ray scene converter to convert your materials before the baking.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Hi and thanks

          What ever I did nothing worked, even with the Standard to Vray script. I then decided to rebuild my whole scene, making sure that every material was Vray, every UVW map where correctly aligned, every light in there proper place and then... whola... It worked. Thanks Vlado !!

          The only problem now is that I can't export the scene to Quest3D with Vray materials. When every object is finished and every lightning/shadow map is rendered I have to convert every Vray material to Standard again, but this is just som manual work. Is there a script for Vray to standard materials ?





          • #6
            There was a script and you can find it if you look through the forum; you also just save your scene before the conversion and re-load after that.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

