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Irradiance Map Min. vs. Bucket Size?

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  • Irradiance Map Min. vs. Bucket Size?

    I have a question for all of the Vray experts out there. Awhile ago I remember reading a post where someone suggested using a very low min rate and a normal max rate for calculating irradiance maps. For example a min of -8 and a max of -1. The concept was that the calculation would be faster and more accurate because Vray could dial down the areas where the detail faster, and spend it time calculating that.

    So, with that assumed, does it matter what size bucket you use? If I am using the base 64 pixel bucket, the bucket looks the same for the passes -8 to maybe -4. Is Vray actually doing calculations at this time, or should I increase my bucket size?

  • #2
    V-Ray will still do calculations for the prepasses (only if necessary, of course); increasing the bucket size may make the prepasses faster, but on the other hand it will take more RAM.

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      I never thought there was any particular relationship between IR map and bucket size.

      I think it was Lele that posted the first thing you are referring to. As I recall, he suggested that instead of using high settings for IR (0,-3) try using custom settings of 0,-6. The subsequent additional passes help reduce GI splotchiness on large open areas.
      "Why can't I build a dirigible with my mind?"

