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Camera Movement

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  • Camera Movement

    I know this is porbably really simple, but I can never get a good result... I have a vray camera about 200 feet above my site and the target in the middle. I want to animate the camera over 900 frames and rotate around the site SMOOTHLY. My usual method was turn on AutoKey and then go to frame 899 and rotate all the way around, but of course that doesnt work. So I would move about 100 frames in and rotate a little, then repeat....But it moves in and out a lot sometimes and I am sure there is a simple routine that I am missing. Any help is appreciated..Thanx
    Eric Camper
    Studio 3D

  • #2
    You can create a big circle around your site and then assign that as a path in Path Constraint for the camera
    Last edited by RErender; 06-03-2008, 01:06 PM.
    Eric Boer


    • #3
      Or you can place a dummy object at the same location as your camera target and link the camera to the dummy. Then you just animate the rotation of the dummy and the camera will follow in relation.

      This is also how you can create vitual camera rigs if you are trying to match movement methods of how a real world camera would be on a crane, dolly, etc.


      • #4
        Agree with RErender. We recently did a turntable with an ellipse. We also had the path changing in the z height, so the camera swooped in and was level with the buildings for a bit, then rose back up into the sky.

        It's a really easy and fast way to set up a camera like you're looking for.
        Derik Bibb
        Architectural Visualizer

        TANGRAM 3DS
        International 3D & Design Solutions


        • #5
          Ah ha..... I knew ther ehad to be something....Sweet..Thanx guys... I am trying to recover a backup of a max file and JUST NOW...on my slave had a nice BSOD......DOH!!! Oh well... Thanx for the tips....I may just have to take a break and play a little Wii Bowling... Laters
          Eric Camper
          Studio 3D


          • #6
            Craft Camera Tools


