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Working in full float

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  • Working in full float

    Hi all,
    I'm hoping someone can help me. For the first time, we are looking at rendering full 32-bit, unclamped. From what I've read, I see that I need to save as EXR. I will be compositing in AE CS3. Now to the problem.

    These are interior shots, vray physical camera, sun and sky at defaults. We've set the camera so the interior is properly exposed. We have the windows set to not affect the alpha. That way, we can get an alpha channel of the glass and lower its exposure in After Effects to eliminate the exterior 'blow out'. However, when we bring in the images to AE, the alpha isn't anti-aliased and as a result, doesn't work properly.

    How should I be rendering/saving these files so this works correctly?

    Some additional info: Currently I have sub-pixel mapping on and clamp output off in the color mapping rollout. Gamma is set at 2.2, but is set to adaptive only. I'm using IM/LC. AA filter is quadratic. Adaptive DMC sampler.

    As I said, this process is a first for me so anything I'm doing wrong or that I apparently don't understand, please, correct me.

    Thanks in advance!

  • #2
    What I would recommend is use the MultiMatte Render pass to select those windows. You can use the Set Matte Filter in AE to grab a the selection from the MultiMatte render. The Alphas are clean and should accomplish what you need. In fact it would be of great benefit for you to Set multimatte for everything in the scene, in groups of course. That way if the client wants the walls a bit greener or the couch browner you can change whatever you want in AE. Add to that the VRAY passes for Diffuse, GI, reflection and many others and it gives you a great deal of compositing flexibility.


    • #3
      I would also check out for AE.


      • #4
        Wow I wish I had known about multimatte sooner. Have a client changing things on an animation on me.

        How do you go about setting the multimatte on individual materials?
        LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
        HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
        Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


        • #5
          Use the material id numbers in the mat editor and tick on the mat id option in the multi matte element so it uses them instead of the object ids.


          • #6

            if your alphas arnĀ“t antialiased, couldnt it be, that your antialiasing calculates the antialiasing also with respect to the color. when it sees overbright, white areas, it doesnt do to much antialiasing cause it thinks, theres only white, now when turning down the brightness in your window, the exr shows you the right brightness, but you also see, that there is no antialiasing calculated using adaptive dmc. maybe you should switch to fixed antialiasing.

            is this the solution ?



            • #7

              you can either use fixed rate or you can use adaptive subdivision and check the object outline checkbox. It will then at least properly antialias the object outlines.

              Best regards,

              visit my developer blog


              • #8
                What we have had to do is use DMC with minimum of 2 or 3. Doesn't hurt render times that much.

