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Another classic detail quality question

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  • Another classic detail quality question


    I'm having trouble getting the fine details of the trim works in this scene to render properly within a reasonable amount of time. I'm also getting some unwanted noise on the large smooth surfaces like the ceiling. The scene currently takes 7.5 hours to render at 3000px wide on a 3.4quad core computer. I'm using all standard lights.

    The image link below should show all of the relevant settings for my scene to assist with troubleshooting.

    Thank you for any help in advance. -Pix

  • #2
    Very odd lighting setup. Do you not trust GI?
    I'd wager thats got something to do with it. How come you're not using vray lights?

    Either way, you could always put a vray dirt shader in your material with 5-10mm radius. Up the Irmap samples too - go from 45,20 to 90, 40.

    Take detail enhancement off first, just turn it on last minute if youre still having issues.


    • #3
      I agree with you that it is an odd lighting setup however I've had alot of trouble with render speeds in MAX 2009 64bit with Photometric lights and Vray lights and this was kind of an experiment to see if the standard way was any better.

      I'll try the dirt shade + IR setting adjustments as you suggest. Thanks


      • #4
        Using your technique, I've improved the look of the trim considerably by going with a dirt shader at 11 samples and a 30/90 IR adjustment (40 seemed too blurry) and I also had to up my sampler min/max to 2/5 but I didn't have to turn on detail enhancement. Suprisingly, the render times wern't affected too much. I was originally under the impression that setting your Hemispherical subdiv.s much higher then 50 was a recipe for disaster and I've never blurred my GI beyond the default of 20 Int. samples. I'll glady take any other advice you might have for me but thank you very much for you help.



        • #5
          Trying changing your IM min rate to something like -6. There was a big thread on this somewhere but I can't find it now. I think it was Lele that did some tests on this and found that this helped the irradiance map be more adaptive by putting more samples where they are needed most. We just recently did a project with high-detail like this and it worked out well.


          • #6
            another suggestion to catch fine details may be to switch antialiaser, from adaptive subds to dmc


            • #7
              Hi MegaPixel,

              Another thing you could try is changing the diffuse colour of your white to something like RGB 220,220,220. I think the reason the details are looking messy in the first place is the difuse colour is far to strong.

              See this thread:

              Dan Brew

