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Clamp output before AA?

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  • Clamp output before AA?

    Please excuse me if this has been explained already and I missed it. I did a search but didn't find the answer I was looking for. I haven't had a chance to test this myself and the manual isn't exactly clear about this.

    I see that you can clamp the output at a certain value in the color mapping rollout. I'm wondering if this clamps the image before anti-aliasing?

    I've seen in another 3d package the ability to clamp an image before anti-aliasing occurs and it helps to remove noise caused by extremely bright pixels in glossy reflections. For example...You render your scene using an HDR for lighting and reflections. The scene may have values way above 1.0. The scene is then clamped at a certain range before anti-aliasing occurs. This way the final image after AA looks identical to a full floating point render (because all the calculations were done before the clamping occurred), but the anti-aliasing only has to deal with a limited range. The result is less noise in the glossy reflections (and ultimately less dynamic range). You could still decide to clamp at a value of 5 for example and get some high dynamic range, but the AA wouldn't have to deal with values above that. So you end up with cleaner images with lower render times and lower AA settings at the expense of some dynamic range. Does Vray's clamp output work this way? If not is it possible to do something like this?


    Tim J
    Senior Generalist
    Industrial Light & Magic

    Environment Creation Tutorial
    Environment Lighting Tutorial

  • #2
    Yes, you are correct. By clamping and enabling sub-pixel mapping you can get rid of artifacts caused by not enough image samples (for bright areas).


    • #3
      Tim, the "Sub-pixel mapping" option for V-Ray does exactly that - it determines whether color mapping (along with clamping) happens before (on) or after (off) the filtering for anitaliasing.

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        awesome...thanks guys.
        Senior Generalist
        Industrial Light & Magic

        Environment Creation Tutorial
        Environment Lighting Tutorial

