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Can not get Distributed rendering to work.

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  • Can not get Distributed rendering to work.

    Hi there.

    I have fresh installs of Max and I am trying to get distributed rendering to work.. but i am having problems.

    1) I have done a Normal Max Networking Backburner render with the Vray slave machiene as "Server"

    2) I set the optionsa in nmy vray test scene a for DR.

    3) I hit render and the Log gives me this error.

    "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions"

    How do I fix this?

    I have tried this with the firewalls and vidrus stuff all turned off so i do not think it is a issue with that. (I use trend Microcillen)

    Both systems are vista 64.
    Last edited by Jynks; 22-09-2008, 12:14 PM.

  • #2
    Ok... i have got rid of this error... it seams it is a firewall thing as when turned off Trend windows firewall came on... but the rendering is still not wokring ... (and i woudl liek to get it running with tred on eventualy)

    [2008/Sep/20|18:40:24] Connected to render host
    [2008/Sep/20|18:40:24] Using 1 hosts for distributed rendering.
    [2008/Sep/20|18:40:25] Server Scene loaded; starting render.
    [2008/Sep/20|18:40:27] Server Render completed.
    [2008/Sep/20|18:40:37] warning: Render host beast ( is not responding
    [2008/Sep/20|18:41:45] Close() done.
    [2008/Sep/20|18:41:45] warning: 0 error(s), 1 warning(s)
    [2008/Sep/20|18:41:45] ================================
    Any ideas?


    • #3
      i remember with max 8 i used to have to on a fresh install of max to atleast run backburners server and manager atleast once on all the systems for DR to work properly.

      oh didnt read properly. opps

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • #4
        I still need some help with this please...

        Also more wierdness is that the syste running the vrayserver is acting all wierd... like it workjs fine but as soon as i run teh server keybord imput slows down... like if I type 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 by the time i finish the screen only shows 6 and i have to wait for the imput to draw on screen,,, if i clsoe the vrayspawner this problem gose away...

        Any ideas?


        • #5
          Check the vraylog.txt on the machine, by default in the root of C:\, to see why/how it completed. It might not be able to obtain a license from the license-server.
          3DV - Ruud van Reenen


          • #6
            The slaves probably could not connect to the license server; you'll need to point them to the location of the license from the Start menu > Programs > Chaos Group > V-Ray for 3ds Max > Licensing > Administration > Change V-Ray client license settings.

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #7
              Originally posted by vlado View Post
              The slaves probably could not connect to the license server; you'll need to point them to the location of the license from the Start menu > Programs > Chaos Group > V-Ray for 3ds Max > Licensing > Administration > Change V-Ray client license settings.

              Best regards,
              Thanks... but i am still having problems. The licence server is instaleld as a service on

              When I load "Change V-Ray client license settings" and replace localhost with and hit OK... it says "v-ray error - could not save settings". I have tried putting teh into all the prim, 2ndary and internet areas of the settings dialouge.

              Any ideas?


              • #8
                Wait nvr mind.... I had to turn off UAC in the user optons... now evrything is working.. thanks. (I am not a very techy kind of guy sorry)

                Also... I have the DR and Bankburner rendering running now buit I was woundering how I can get them running while still having the Trend Microcillen and windows firewalls up?

                What ports do i need to open up. Or is there a exe I have to allow acess or somthing?

                Thanks in advance.

                <---------- Edit

                I have added a rule to the firewall saying Allow Incoming / Outgoing TCP/UPD port:30304 It still dose not work unless i disable the firewall. Are there any other ports or things i need to enable?
                Last edited by Jynks; 21-09-2008, 01:43 AM.


                • #9
                  30304 is used for the License Server, it seems 20204 is used for DR. You need to open those ports in both workstation and all clients ofcourse.
                  3DV - Ruud van Reenen


                  • #10
                    Thanks guys everything is working now.. I apreciate it.

                    Valdo and Ruud3dv

