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DR - first time error

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  • DR - first time error

    Before this problem DR works fine for me...
    I was really surprised that main workstation find (one) server and when had sending lightcache for calculations on server...
    get this message "... is not responding"
    Try many time to restart cpu-s, dongle, windows, max .... but the problem persist
    The scene consist of one house in night render with 10-12 lights, illuminated with dome light+hdri...
    After that I was try to render 2 older scene and DR works fine

    Does someone know what's the cause of problem...??

    Best regards,

  • #2
    I had a similar problem and I was getting that "render host is not responding" from time to time.
    After a painful stage, I discovered that problem was because of RAM slot in main computer.
    I tested all the RAMs two by two. And then I could find the guilty RAM.
    but then all of a sudden, I thought "maybe RAMs are fine but it can be slot"
    and it was right.
    So when I empty those slots, I never had that message again.
    I dont know if you have same problem, but you can try check.
    Best wishes


    • #3
      Thx giraffe for you response, but in my case cpu's had all ram tested and passed without any error.
      I think that is no memory error because I have in DR rendered scene with 16-17 Gb ram consuption on both cpu's, so...
      I continue a use DR because work very well for me except that scene and I have no idea what's causing problem for this one?! That's bother me


      • #4
        All I know is that my RAMs were working at full power from time to time and hitting about 5.5 gigabyte (total was 6gb)
        But the day, I discovered the failure, they were not going up more than 3.5
        But no crashes, nothing.
        I was only getting that error message from time to time. And when I was shutting and re-starting spawner, error was getting solved.
        To see RAM not going upper than 3.5 gb made me doubt RAMs. Some time ago, I had disabled the routine RAM check from BIOS during the boot because it takes so long.
        So I enabled it and start testing them and I could find the problem RAMs, RAM ports.

        BTW I downloaded one program to test my cpu and RAM before this procedure and that program reported all was fine. But was not.

        But if yours is only for one file and one scene, it might be another problem.


        • #5
          Make sure you are all working from a saved IRmap or LC solution which is posted on a network location (or copied locally to multiple slaves which is even better to prevent network bottlenecks.)

          One thing that happens is that if a scene is complicated and you are NOT working from a saved map, then each computer tries to do the IRmap or LC calculations independently. This will cause a slower computer to take longer in initial processing (as well as sometimes hitting memory issues) and report that the network computers are not responding.
          LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
          HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
          Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


          • #6
            Thx for your help jujubee,
            I must say that I have two identical machines both are dual x5365...


            • #7
              For whatever reason the scene causes the render slave to crash after loading the scene. This may happen if you have an HSDS modifier in the scene, but there might also be other cases as well that we did not catch.

              Best regards,
              I only act like I know everything, Rogers.

