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Zooming into backplate is noisy, but 3d object in front is clear.

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  • Zooming into backplate is noisy, but 3d object in front is clear.

    Hi all

    I have a problem I hope somebody can help me with. I have a backplate of a forest and then a 3d helicopter in front of the backplate. I zoom into the forest to the helicopter from very far away (where the forest looks pretty nice) But then when I get close to the helicopter which is pretty clear, the backplate is all fuzzy and noisy due to not very high res backplate.

    Well the noise on the backplate is fine, the question is, how do I render the 3d object (helicopter) in front of my backplate (just a flat plane) without creating more noise on the backplate, but by increasing noise and fuzzyness on my helicopter? Well so the helicopter noise matches the backplate noise.
    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    rather than trying to render it out more noisy, I'd say you're much better off matching the grain/noise in post.

