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proxy memory footprint: copy vs instance

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  • #16
    I tried to Maxscript/Run this script as you said but nothing happened, nothing executed.
    Then I tried Maxscript/Open Script and scipt was open so I made Ctrl+A and tried dragging the script to a toolbar. But I got an error message :

    Compile error: nested macroscript definitions are not permitted.
    In line: mamacroScript V

    I am using Max9.
    Is this the problem?
    for my blog and tutorials:


    • #17
      ... run the script

      go to customize

      > category vray
      and there is
      > vrayproxyinstancecheck

      bring it to a toolbar

      execute it from there !!!


      • #18
        Thank you very much for your reply I will try this.
        for my blog and tutorials:


        • #19
          I got that script, used it once or twice with no problems.

          But now whenever I try to use it I get
          "type error: call needs function or class, got: undefined"

          And this pops up in maxscript:

          macroScript VRayProxyLister category:"VRay" buttontext:"VRayProxy instance check" tooltip:"Check for VRayProxy's with the same .vrmesh file" (
          local res=queryBox "VRayProxy's with the same .vrmesh file will be converted to instances. Are you sure?" title:"VRayProxy instance check"
          if res then enumVRayProxies()

          With the bolded line highlighted.

          I just started with a blank scene, merged a proxy in and copied it around a few times to test it and it's still doing it.
          Any ideas?
          Weird that it'd work for a bit then break.


          • #20
            You can try to change the script like this
            if (res==true) then enumVRayProxies()
            however in any case the error means that the queryBox function did not work for some reason. Which version of 3ds Max are you using?

            Best regards,
            I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


            • #21
              Same error, and I used the "if (res==true) then enumVRayProxies()" command

              with an error of:

              "-- Type error: Call needs function or class, got: undefined", again

              Using Max 2010

              It worked once, but not a second time.


              It worked after I added the command to my vray tools menu item again.
              Last edited by TheMulf; 04-05-2009, 08:20 AM.


              • #22
                Originally posted by cubiclegangster View Post
                I got that script, used it once or twice with no problems.

                But now whenever I try to use it I get
                "type error: call needs function or class, got: undefined"

                And this pops up in maxscript:

                macroScript VRayProxyLister category:"VRay" buttontext:"VRayProxy instance check" tooltip:"Check for VRayProxy's with the same .vrmesh file" (
                local res=queryBox "VRayProxy's with the same .vrmesh file will be converted to instances. Are you sure?" title:"VRayProxy instance check"
                if res then enumVRayProxies()

                With the bolded line highlighted.

                I just started with a blank scene, merged a proxy in and copied it around a few times to test it and it's still doing it.
                Any ideas?
                Weird that it'd work for a bit then break.
                that happened to me also.
                It need to be loaded everytime you opened a new max session.
                Put the script in max startup or run it every time you open new max session after that hit the button at toolbar.


                • #23
                  Could you add something to this script, so after it runs - objects that are instanced now were selected?
                  Z-Dimension WIP 1 WIP 2 WIP 3 WIP 4


                  • #24
                    I could do that, but keep in mind that they may not all be instances of the same object.

                    Best regards,
                    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by vlado View Post
                      I could do that, but keep in mind that they may not all be instances of the same object.

                      Best regards,
                      It`s not a problem! Thx
                      Z-Dimension WIP 1 WIP 2 WIP 3 WIP 4

