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Color Mapping Exponential + Clamped values ?

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  • Color Mapping Exponential + Clamped values ?

    Hello Guys,

    I'm using exponential color mapping because I found the light's attenuation better than linear color mapping.

    My only problem is to get unclamped value, ( Scene02.jpg), when I picket into the hemisphere's light reflection I've got a 1/1/1 value.

    When I'm using linear color mapping (scene03.jpg) I've got a 15/15/15 value... I need I value for nuke (glow/glare only on value greater than 1)

    How to achieve exponential color mapping base on linear render ?
    I only need to apply a exponential curve on my linear render ?

    I'm not a mathematical expert, so how the exponential curve looks like ?

    Like this ??? :

    Red, blue, black ?

    Sorry, my English s*cks, hope to be clear...

    Best regards...
    Attached Files
    My Flickr

  • #2
    one option could be to do the exponential colour mapping within nuke itself.
    Render out the without any colour mapping (linear 1,1) then within nuke add a colourlookup node, and recreate the exponential curve.
    There were some curves vlado put up somewhere which showed what the different colormappings equated to - i'll have a search for them shortly, but basically in the colorlookup, you'll see a straight linear line from 0 to 1 - grab the 1 bezier and move it to the right until it hits 2 - this is more or less how to recreate it....


    • #3
      I agree...

      here is the exponential curve :

      Exponential curve look like this, I was hoping to found a way to achieve it in nuke without any coding skills...

      I want to achieve a real mathematical operation, not an approximative one.

      Someone got a tips to achieve this ?

      A nuke node or expression ?

      Best regards...
      My Flickr


      • #4
        Sorry for double posting but I try to render the light directly in the camera view, and i've got value : 1/1/1 with a vray sphere light with intensity value setup to 20.

        So my question is : does the exponential color mapping clamping highlight values ?

        Best regards...
        My Flickr


        • #5
          so this:

          Look for Eric's post...

          in nuke, someting similar to this:

          not sure about 100% mathematical accuracy, but you do also get a lot more control doing it in real-time in post


          • #6
            Ok, now I see why values are clamped...

            Thanks... I think I can deal with a none accurate curve...

            Best regards...
            My Flickr


            • #7
              you can use a ColorExpression to do a mathematically correct exponential lookup.


