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VRay Lights

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  • VRay Lights

    I have been using vray advanced for a few months with some resonable results but always with max's standard lights. I am trying to light a very simple scene with a vray light, however the image is completely black. If I replace the vray light with a max light the scene is illuminated. Would someone be good enough to tell me where I am going wrong.
    Dan Brew

  • #2
    I recall having this problem at one point a while ago, but not exactly what i did to fix it..

    First questions would be What Build of Vray are you using?

    Second question would be do all the files in your max directory match to dates of the files in the build-download-zipfile..

    mabye if one of the files doesn't overwrite the way it should and an old version of a dll could cause major havok in max?

    And lastly, mabye its time to try re-authorizing.. /shrug.
    Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


    • #3
      Thanks for the reply. My VRay build is 1.09.02u and it has been working well the the last couple of months.

      I think you may be on to something when you mentioned re-authorizing. Although I am having the problem in Max 3.1, I installed 5.1 this week and installed 1.09.03b on it.

      I didn't expect VRay to work with 5.1 without re-authorizing. May be it has moved the licence across from 3.1 itself.

      Dan Brew


      • #4
        Maybe a stupid question but did you try to increase the light multiplier or switch on 'no decay'?



        • #5
          Are you using photon mapping? If so make sure to use VRay materials (was an issue in the past) and make sure surface normals are going the right way.
          "It's the rebels sir....They're here..."


          • #6
            Reply to Balage,

            Yes, I tried both, I tryed multiplier values as high as 10,000,000 without any luck. I also tried checking 'no decay' and the lights worked as normal.

            Reply to Dman3d

            I'm not using photon mapping, just IR maps.

            Thanks again for the replies but I think I may have an authorization issue as I have two installations of Max on one machine.
            Dan Brew


            • #7
              I reconfirm your question is :

              getting right scene in Max's light but getting black in VrayLight ?

              maybe you should change environment color , for example, white,

              because Max's defaule color is black, VrayLight use environment color as light source.


              • #8
                have you rotated the light? I know that when you place it into a scene it is allways the wrong way around. (even if you place it using the bottom view)

