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how to reduce noise in these glosssies

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  • how to reduce noise in these glosssies

    this is for animation - there's too much noise in them glossies

    have tried medium-animation and high-animation IR maps

    brute force: subdivs 12
    DMC: noise 0.005, multiplier 4, min samples 12, adaptive 0.8
    (mitchell netravali aa)

    I can't seem to get it any better than what you see
    I wonder if its because of a medium res HDR used for reflect environment
    (but of course to change reflect map will alter the look, which I can't do )
    otherwise lighting is spots and some environment skylight

    any tips?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Higher material Reflection Subdivs?


    • #3
      Lowering the DMC noise threshold and increasing the max subdivs for your AA should provide you with cleaner results, just make sure you are using ADMC AA.

      DMC: .0001
      ADMC AA: 1, 20-40

      These values work for me most of the time.
      Drew Wood-Davies
      Head Of Lighting & Look-Development | Method Studios | Melbourne, Australia


      • #4
        Originally posted by rmejia View Post
        Higher material Reflection Subdivs?
        this was my first thought to.


        • #5
          my reciepe:

          ADMC image sampler, AA filter off (for stills)

          sampler settings: min 1, max 100

          noise threshold: 0,001 - 0,01 (noise vs. speed setting)

          and for color mapping: don't affect colors on, otherwise noise in shadows will stay, because of linear gamma correction.

          pushing the material subdivs worse for rendertime than universal settings, because it "brute forces" everything then, universal settings only slow down for the noisy parts, that's the beauty of it.
          Last edited by plastic_; 16-09-2009, 01:50 AM.
          Marc Lorenz
          ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


          • #6
            Yep, did a quick test raising the material subdivs here and it had no effect. I always use the Universal method because it always works, although it might be a bit slow for some people. Tried the Universal and it cleared up the noise great with the don't affect colors:
            Attached Files


            • #7
              thanks guys - that's certainly the solution - perfect

              but .. it hits my render times too hard!
              I have to do HD render and frame time goes up by a factor of around 4 however much I massage the settings - the frame gets a lot more of the blue ribbon later - and there's no budget for external render farm

              so back to adaptive image sampler..
              but 0.003 in dmc and don't affect colors is an improvement

