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LC Settings for animation with moving objects?

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  • LC Settings for animation with moving objects?

    Hi all

    What optimal settings can I use for LC as second bounce for animations with moving objects? When to use world scale and when to use screen etc...

    I've been using universal settings but that is soooooo slow!
    (besides the Brute Force) how can I speed up the LC calculation and still get a pretty good result?
    Kind Regards,

  • #2
    Can't tell you any settings for the subdivs since it'll vary so much scene to scene. Normally you use world scale when the camera is going to be moving a large amount - if you've a scene with a really long corridor for example, an lc sample at the end of the corridor at frame 1 might be fine but if the camera right up to it it might be huge - world keeps the samples uniform so the shading is even through big scenes. Likewise if you've a small scene where the camera doesn't move much, world scale might have close up lc samples nice and smooth, but background samples have gaps in them and look odd.

