when I use the VRay Environment I want it to shine through my exterior glass, is there a way to achieve this?
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Override Max environment
did you have "affect shadows" turned on on your exterior glass? ive had no problems with glass windows
i Do use interior lighting in some of my scenes but for the most part i didnt find problems with skylight getting through the glass.
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Tanks for the reply Da_Elf....
did you have "affect shadows" turned on on your exterior glass?
.....ok, just been playing around with the scene and it is working fine, I was trying to get a camera mapped object (my exterior windows) to have the environment shine through, to no avail. but what I'm disscovering is that with the standard texture (my boss didn't like the IOR when we see the building its' self) and pre calced Irradiance map the render times slow down. but with single the overall rendering times are great!?! I read that the irrad. map over network slows things down so I guess it's single frame, bit dissapointing that I can't use the "add to current map" function (God I feel so guilty say that, VRay rules!!!!)
oh & great images Da_Elfthanks for the help.