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Domelight optimization

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  • Domelight optimization

    I`m currently testing workflow for exteriors which consist of faking GI with vraylight in domelight mode with instanced vraysky as texture node & daylight which consists from with vraysun node. So far it looks quite impressive - as there is no artifacts, it`s also suitable perfectly for animating and so... , but it seems to be quite slow especially thanks to domelight - I found out the right values for subdividision values ( both for vraysun & domelight ) and DMC sampler , at which is the render quickest. But still in the comparision with IM+LC it seems to be slower in comparable results.

    So folks, do you have some nice tips to this technique ?

    Last edited by murko-sk; 08-10-2009, 07:51 AM.

  • #2

    I think that sampling a dome is not such a great idea comparing to IRRmap+LC solution.

    If you want a non GI rendering maybe you could try using Diffuse pass + ambient occlusion pass + direct light pass + Reflection and refraction passes.
    Gives you a lot more control and speed.


    • #3
      Domelight is still a brute force technique. It shouldn't be any slower than ambient occlusion. What it might do is cause more noise than AO * Blurred environment because it gives you more details -> more noise at the same sampling level.

      You'll never get the same speed as with irradiance map because it undersamples and interpolates so much. But this usually gives you other artifacts which don't appear in still but show up in animation.

