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  • .vrimg

    I know of the dos command to convert the file to an exr- but then you lose all the other channels.

    Is there a simple (preferably drag and drop - I have carpal tunnel syndrome so this is easier)

    way of splitting up a .vrimg into each of the component bits (whatever the may be) and adding them as a suffix to the name of of the original file?

    Dos is so damnably slow 1 finger at a time. Especially if you have an animation.

    I tried outputting straight to an exr, but then all the channels dissapeared. (zdepth, wirecolor etc)


  • #2
    Originally posted by rajdarge View Post
    I tried outputting straight to an exr, but then all the channels dissapeared. (zdepth, wirecolor etc)
    that is not supposed to happen, all channels should be there. which application were you opening the exr with?

    as an aside, if you're not comfortable with the vray image format you can always save the channels as individual files. there's a split render channels checkbox in the frame buffer rollout.


    • #3
      I am using photoshop cs4e
      to open the .exr
      but I know the vrimg has the channels I want

      Since I am working in linear space, I wanted the 32 bit output and the render elements. I was previously doing the render in 2 passes to get these channels.

      I know lele has a script that runs in max but I don't know of any standalone converters


      • #4
        the problem are not the exrs from max, but photoshop.
        ps can't handle multichannel exrs, it reads only rgb and alpha. the channels are there, but you either need a plugin such as pro exr to extract them in ps, or an application which does that natively.


        • #5
          Thanks for reminding me about fnord thingy
          I had it but it wasn't installed properly
          Alll is well
          step1: drag and drop files onto vrtoexr.exe proram
          step2: drag and drop onto cs4
          step0: install proexr and rename orignal exr plugin to something else


          • #6
            Also, here's an easier way to convert vrimg files to EXR automatically. (shameless plug)

