I followed this tut about Rendering a Fly-Through Animation.
Once I read that it wasn't posible to calculate the irr map when using DR.
I have now tryed to calculate the irr map (half the pixel size than the final rendering)
using Distributed rendering, and then rendered the final animation.
The animation looks perfect and without any flickering at all.
Is it true that there are some problems using DR for calculating irr map, when used for animation?
Kind regards
Once I read that it wasn't posible to calculate the irr map when using DR.
I have now tryed to calculate the irr map (half the pixel size than the final rendering)
using Distributed rendering, and then rendered the final animation.
The animation looks perfect and without any flickering at all.
Is it true that there are some problems using DR for calculating irr map, when used for animation?
Kind regards