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  • Raycaster

    so I've been trying to get my brain around the Raycaster params, I read a bit about BSP trees so I'm wondering if this is right......

    the raycaster controles the amount VRay subdivides a mesh?, or the amount of ray cast intersections(bounding boxes) to be found? (probably the second)

    Maximum tree depth: how far VRay will subdivide the bounding boxes(intersections) when they need refinment.

    Min leaf size: the size of the bounding box, when the min size is reached even if the tree depth hasn't reached it's max depth the subdividing will stop.

    face/level coef: this is how many faces the bounding boxes have

    so I wanted to see what everyone had to say about these, not shure if I'm right or not. what I have found is that when I increase the max tree depth the Irradiance map speeds up, just trying to understand whats going on.

    any help would be grand

  • #2
    You got it right...

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Can adjusting these values improve the result for IR. If so how?


      • #4
        groovey, so increasing the the amout of intersections will speed the Irrad. map up because VRay doesn't have to trace rays that don't interset an object. I'm guessing that if you have the values too low then you'll get rays that think their intersecting the object (light bouncing off the object) but are slightly off the object (causing artifacts?) & it will slow down the rendering of the irrad map.

        so my question is; is getting the raycaster to render as fast as it can going to cause any artifacts?


        • #5
          been testing settings:

          max tree depth:60 (Default setting)
          min. leaf size:0
          Face/level coef:2 Render time: 5m 26.6s

          max tree depth:10 Disaster, didn't even bother finishing test
          min. leaf size:0
          Face/level coef:2

          max tree depth:60 Render time: 5m 9.8s
          min. leaf size:10
          Face/level coef:1

          max tree depth:100 Render time: 11m 20.4s
          min. leaf size:1000
          Face/level coef:1

          so after all that it seems that Vlado has done all the hard work for us and the defult settings are the fastest (pritty much) I'd have to ask arobberts question

          Can adjusting these values improve the result for IR. If so how?
          at the moment I can't see any differance between the renders. mabey there is some situations where tweaking these settings will improve render times/quality?

