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2 Questions about Distributed Rendering

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  • 2 Questions about Distributed Rendering


    At first I have the Question about adding an new DR-Server to an running Job. I startet the Job with 4 DR-Servers but I saw thats its very slow, so I bought another Server. But I dont know if its possible to add the Server while the Job is allready running. I dont want to quit the Job, save the part of the Image and than Render the other part because of the 30 Render Elements.

    The other Question is about DR + Backburner
    I allways fail when I try to send a DR Job from my Host PC. I want that all the Server Render one DR-Image via BB but not my Host PC.

    My way:
    - in Max I check all the Server which should Render the image
    - I start the BB-Server on one of the Servers
    - I check "Net Render"
    - "Server Usage": "Use Selected" I take a Server were the BB-Server is running (But not mine)
    - And now, only the selected Server starts Rendering (I waited 20 minutes and longer, but now success. The other will not join.

    DR via BB when my Host PC is selected in the "Server Usage" Dialog, it works fine, all Server starts with DR.

    Sorry for my bad English

    Hope somebody could help me.

    Last edited by ; 17-03-2010, 03:04 AM.

  • #2
    You can do what you want to do. Make sure the machine that will act as your BB server has been configured in the Vray settings to use DR, and that you have listed all your machines as render slaves there. There is a file you can edit to do this, but I just ported my max license over temporarily and did it myself. I suggest putting *all* your available nodes in that list. If you want to keep some machines out of the renders (including your own workstation) then simply shut down the vrayspawner on those machines.

    Once that is done then any job submitted that has DR activated in the file will automatically grab all nodes. You can add or remove them from the render once it has begun, but I think *only* if they have been configured as DR nodes as mentioned above.

    I use this method all the time, and just fire up or kill the vrayspawner on each machine to control whether or not they participate in the render.

    Brett Simms


    • #3

      Em how do you are rendering the 1 image on 4 servers? U using distribute bucket rendering or split scam lines ? If im not wrong Split scan lines wont give you your 30 Render Elements. Abot Distribute Bucket. Just go to your server, set up your render and all files/maps/output location to one shared location so all servers got access. And pick Distribute bucked rendering in setings(add ur servers ip/name there). Then just hit F9. U will see ur main server bucket at first, but after a while all other will join. Or instead of F9 just send it to BB and it should work too. Just remember to put in autostart on servers ur DB vray spawner.

      Can server join after u start render? Like day later, I dont think so, never happen to me tho.
      CGI - Freelancer - Available for work - come and look

