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Rendering animation formula

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  • Rendering animation formula

    Hi, I have always rendered my animation projects (with no moving objects, no moving camera), using the Imap (incremental add...) + LC (flythrough) precalculation method.

    I have sent a job to a render farm and they say is better to render with:
    Imap: single frame and "use camera path" activated
    LC: single frame and "use camera path" activated
    so, this way there is no need to make pre-calculation and is fastest in the render farm considering that incremental mode cant be shared in lot of nodes.

    I have found some unexpected flickering in the animation. Do you think it is because of this "use camera path" formula?
    Diana Escorcia
    GA estudio

  • #2
    No moving objects and no moving camera?? So why exactly do you render an animation?

    I should always recommend the precalculation method if there are no moving objects but a moving cam. Much more reliable!


    • #3
      Sorry, I meant No moving objects, only moving the camera.
      Diana Escorcia
      GA estudio


      • #4
        Originally posted by Roest View Post
        No moving objects and no moving camera?? So why exactly do you render an animation?
        LOL. That's what I thought. I wish I could convince our clients to do animation with no moving objects or cameras...
        Kind Regards,
        Richard Birket



        • #5
          You have to precalculate the maps first by rendering a single frame (Set to LC/LC and then IRMap/Saved LC solution) with "use camera path" activated and "render image" turned off.
          Then turn "render image" back on, make sure that the IR-Map and LC are set to "from file" and send that to the renderfarm.
          Reflect, repent and reboot.
          Order shall return.

