well then one click only instead of a double click when you select the material would be great
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Max 2011 worth updating yet?
Heya again,
Originally posted by pixela View Post- I want preview window to be open when I double click on a material or a map.
- When one preview window for a material is open, I want the toggle for updating the preview as you navigate through maps of same material. In other words, I want to control the preview window so it shows the navigated map or the end result.
you can select unrelated maps/materials for quick preview)
- I want the panning property of the old material map browser. I dont like the scroll bar.
- I want to be able to get the material from the selected object as in the old way.
- I want "show map in the viewport" as a button on map itself or a hotkey. I don't like to use right-click and choose that option or from the menu on the top.
There are many more things in 2 steps:
- save selected
-3 buttons on viewport. in old style there was only one and I can find everything under it. Now they grouped things and made 3 buttons. I still couldn't memorize, what is where so each time I have to click all 3 and find what I am looking for.
Agreed, tho the last one is a matter of getting used to i think...(i am not yet :P )
Originally posted by instinct View PostHeya again,
Agreed! You are aware tho that you can scale the in-DAG previews by scaling the node ?
Originally posted by instinct View Post
I am not sure i understand this one. There is a show-end result toggle at the top of the preview window ? As well as autoupdate to reflect the currently selected one (switch to "Follow current selection" this mode is also material independent so
you can select unrelated maps/materials for quick preview)
Hmmm...I saw this too and I was trying to use this setting but it seems that I misused it because I couldn't make it work. I will check it again, thank you.
Originally posted by instinct View Post
While there is none by default you can assign a hotkey as the command is available in the Material Editor Category
Yes I agree that some things are about getting used to. But I don't like to complicate things to make in 2-3 steps instead of one.
Maybe these changes can make it look more organised and logically categorised for a newbie but for advanced users, it is just as a complication of simple task.Last edited by pixela; 10-05-2010, 09:39 PM.for my blog and tutorials:
Originally posted by pixela View Post
I already made this but Max crashed after using this hotkey I assigned.
My solution, at the moment, is to assign a hotkey to toggle between compact and slate modes. Then I only activate maps in viewport when in compact mode. It's a minor pain, but I'm actually a big fan of the node editor otherwise.
Originally posted by pixela View PostFor example:
- I want to be able to get the material from the selected object as in the old way.
If you right click on the scene material group in the material browser, you can set the options to "autoupdate" and "filter selected objects"
Once setup like that you will see only the selected object material in only one click (by selecting the object) instead of 3 clicks in the old way (select the object, click on get material, click on radio button "selected").
If you choose only "autoupdate" you will still see the selected object material highlighted by a thin white line.
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