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  • RenderFarm-Animation-LC/Irradience

    The Best/Fast way to get a shared irradience map with incremental mode to be rendered on all nodes in farm.

    Animation have 2000 frames, it will take some time to precalculate on one machine but I'm close to deadline and that is not an option for me.
    I'm using sp4 for now and in animation only camera is moving.

  • #2
    have you tried with "use camera path" ON, it will save you a lot time!!! have to calculate inly the 1st frame for irmap and LC
    show me the money!!


    • #3
      Yes, the "incremential mode" is not used any more, go with "use camera path".
      Reflect, repent and reboot.
      Order shall return.


      • #4
        Do you mean LC option "use camera path" ?
        My problem is that i don't have time to precalculate the Irradience Map on one machine, 2000 frames will take more then 340 hours. I want to use all render nodes available in renderfarm to do the incremental calculation in one network file, but i think that is imposibile if all render nodes in the same time will try to open/rewrite the file data. Maybe is there another solution?


        • #5
          My workflow is to calculate the Lightcache first, set to primary and secondary GI with flythrough mode, render image option Off. Save Lightcache File set to on.
          Render a single frame, that only takes a few minutes.
          Then set primary GI method to Irradiance map, single frame mode, "use camera path" On, render image option Off.
          Secondary GI is set to the saved Lightcache file.
          Then render a single frame and ten minutes later you have all lighting solutions precalculated.
          This might even work with DR but i never felt it necessary because it never took longer than 15 minutes even for long animations.
          Turn render image option back on and render the final animation.
          Reflect, repent and reboot.
          Order shall return.


          • #6
            it won't take 340 hours....i did a little more than 2000 frames and it took if i remember well around 1-2 hours.
            about rendering with IM with a farm... you could render in pieces and merge them.

            take a look at "use camera path"
            Last edited by flino2004; 25-05-2010, 04:04 PM.
            show me the money!!


            • #7
              Do your LC and IR calcs on every 5th frame or 10th frame, normally does the trick, the first frame always takes a while but after that it normally speeds up a lot.
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              • #8
                hey tammo
                as far as I know you do not need to do the light cache separately anymore but your post has me second guessing if what I am doing is correct
                I started another post to try and find out


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Dave_Wortley View Post
                  Do your LC and IR calcs on every 5th frame or 10th frame, normally does the trick, the first frame always takes a while but after that it normally speeds up a lot.
                  Rendering Nth Frame is not necessary anymore, it has been replaced by the flytrough modes.
                  Reflect, repent and reboot.
                  Order shall return.

